Chapter Five

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authors note- hey everyone! i really hope you like my book and keep going on the comments and votes pretty please!!! love you all! p.s. get ready for some actually real flashbacks and forwards.

*flash back to the end of last school year*

"Raelin promise me that you will go fourth week ok?" wren says.

"Yes of course." i say. Wren had been asking me this whole school year to make sure that i was going to camp fourth week. I had never been to camp fourth week before, but i decided to try it because Wren was going. Wren gives me a hug and says that he will see me in the summer.

*Summertime getting ready to board the bus*

"Common mom were late!" i say exasperatedaly .

"I know honey, im driving as fast as i can." my mom says.

When we finally pull into the park and ride lot, I notice that we are the last ones to arrive. When we pull up, I grab my bags and quickly say goodby to my mom. As i look up, i see Wren coming out of the bus. I put my bags in the bus and say hi to Wrens mom. Then, i board the bus.

"I saved a spot for you." Wren says. I look at where he is pointing; toward the back of the bus

"I dont want to sit and the front of the bus though. come sit at the front with me!" i say. But i started to feel bad, so i told wren i would sit with him. As we are driving, Wren and i talk randomly about stuff. On the bus, i see that he has brought a large gatorade.

"Hey Khayden you alright up there?" Wren yells toward the front of the bus.

"Yes" a small voice says back

"Whos is Khayden?" i ask Wren

"He is my younger step-brother." wren says back.

"Oh cool!" i say

*another author note:) - the rest of the ride to camp is pretty much a blur to sorry. this whole flashback part is pretty much just explaining to you what happened in the past so you will be prepared for what is going to happen in the rest of the book. carry on with your reading!*

this whole camp week zipped by really fast. I talked to Wren as much as i could; for we were in separate groups. (girl, boy) But as the end of the week was coming in fast, there was one last event that i was really looking for. The camp dance. Everyone looks up to this event for the whole week. Me and my cabin group had a lot of fun getting dressed for the dance. Until finally, we were there. The giant ceilings and chairs around the walls looked so inviting. I am kinda awkward when it comes to dances, so all of my friends were pulling me trying to get me to dance.

"Come on Raelin! move around!" my friend Lulu said.

"I'm trying, I'm trying!" i shout happily.

Then, out of the corner of my eye, I see Wren walk in. My heart skips a beat, and as I watch, I see Wren sit in one of the chairs along the walls.

But, as usual dances are my friends pulled me back into the large swarm of people. After a while i get tired of dancing so i sit down to take a break. I see that some of my friends have walked over to where Wren and his friends were sitting. I get curious and walk over there too.

"Hi Raelin," Wren says

"Hi." i say back

The group splits up and as i start to walk away, wren follows me. I join back in with my group of friends, and wren joins me. Wren starts dancing around me and i laugh. It was so much fun until a counselor comes over and tells Wen to stop dancing around me. Stupid counselor. Wren frowns but then laughs.

We had one of the funnest times of our lives that night. But, every night ends, so we had to go down to bed.

The next morning was the bus ride home. I was so sad to leave this week of camp. As we board the bus, i decide to sit in the front of the bus.

"Hey Wren, im going to sit in the front of the bus this time ok?" i say

"Ok, I will be in the same place as last time if you need me."

As im sitting, I see Khayden walk into the bus.

"Khayden, come sit with me." i say

"Ok." he says back

I give him the window side. As were talking, the conversation starts getting more and more interesting. Until...

"You know Wren likes you?" khayden says

"No he dosent." I dont usually believe things coming from a seven year olds mouth.

"Yes he does, he told me." khayden says back

"Um ok?" i say awkwardly. I dont know what to think! Should i believe Khayden or is he just making things up?

"He also wants to kiss you." Khayden says matter-o-factly. Ok this is just going to far. Im not sure what to believe at this moment. Does he actually like me. And, do i like him back?

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