Chapter 17

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Not a supprise, I am wrapped in a loose hug. I know that this will be one of the last times I get one of those so I enjoy it while I can. I squeze as tight as I can in order to savor the moment.

"Im going to camp fourth week!" I say expecting a happy responce.

"No!! I'm going first week." He says like its no big deal. Maybe not to him.

All of my excitement drains in a matter of seconds.

"What?" I say. My voice contains a mixture of confusion, anger and complete sadness.

"Yea my brothers birthday is the first day of fourth i wanted to stay home and celebrate it.

"Oh ok. There's always next year right? Heh heh." I whisper under my breath.


Wren is not going to camp fourth week.

I feel as bitter as an ice cube. No actually not an ice cube, an icesicle. All my plans, ruined. I have been waiting a year for this camp time. And now, I dont even know if I will ever see Wren again.

Supprisingly, I wasnt as disapointed as I thought i would be. Maybe it was the numbness of what just happened, or this means that I never liked him in the first place. Well I know for a fact that the second reason is a lie. What can I say. 

   So now school is over and i dont think I will be talking to or seeing Wren anytime soon. And i'm ok with that. It may be hard to believe, but its true. Over time, (since the beginning of the book) I have realized that boys are not the center of my life. I have more important things to think about. High school is starting and its time to start fresh! No more, why doesnt he like me, and why cant I stop liking him. I have my mind set out on possibly a new boyfriend, and friends that actually appreciate me for who I am. High school is a new chapter to begin. Anyways, camp is coming up soon!! I hope this will be a great year. In fact, I know that it will be. 


   Summer flew by fast and I am ready for this year's school fiasco to begin. Camp was....interesting. I definatly felt half empty the whole trip. (Wren) And it wasnt a good feeling. But, I did meet someone new. Brian. My "boyfriend" for two days. I knew that we were not ment to be together by the strange feeling I had inside of me the whole time. But whatever. He liked me so I decided to try it out.Thats what normal people do right? Yah. I'd say the most heartbreaking moment was either the dance or the last day goodby ceremony. I missed him so much. It was weird knowing that he had been in the exact same place just the week before.

 I expecially missed him when other friends or counsilors that also went to camp the week before, talked about him. I wanted to add in but I never did.

   Anyways high school is pretty great. I actually had plans with Wren to go to the mall this friday, but he ended up bailing. Not to my suprise though. Some friends were actually betting money that he would bail. I had a feeling that he would too, but i didnt want to give up all faith in him. His is excuse was "you can still come, but im going to be hanging out with my girlfriend." Of course that means the he didnt want to hang out afterall. 

So, I just said next Friday and he agreed. 

And as you could have guessed, he bailed again. Good thing I didnt put in any money on that bet. 

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