Chapter 11 | Trouble in paradise

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Warning: Just a tad inappropriate for small ones
Markson's  5 month anniversary~1 month until Mark leaves for America.
"Jackson, let me in." I pleaded, trying to pry open the locked door.
"Go away Tuan." Jackson spat from the other side of the door, his cold tone creating chaos in my heart.
"Come on, baby. Please...for me." I cried, desperately rattling the door knob in hope to somehow open his door.
It must have snapped something inside his mind because in seconds the door flew open, exposing a very angry Jackson.
"I told you to fuc-" Jackson yelled, before I cut him off.
"You knew I was leaving! I told you I had to leave again! I told you!" I screamed in his face, going red with anger.
"I don't want to talk to you right now." He hissed, clenching his jaw and clutching the door handle.
"Baby, please, I love you." I whispered, tears threatening to fall. "We can work something out...don't push me away again."
"I can't believe you." he scoffed, running a hand through his hair. "You're going to be in a different country Mark, how are we supposed to 'date' when you're literally not even here for me."
"I don't know Jackson, you know I don't. We can sort this out later." I sniffed, my knees weak. My heart was telling me to hug him, to love him, my brain told me to stay away before he snaps.
What am I going to do?
"Later? Later when I love you even more? No." He whispered, his eyes dark and cold.
"I thought you loved me. If you love me, we'll be able to sort things out!" I screamed, all my emotions just burst. I felt angry, very angry, but also depressed.

I told him I was leaving, he knew that. So why is he so angry??

"Don't yell at me! I did nothing wrong!" He yelled, his hand grabbing my wrist, his eyes wild.
"Don't touch me!" I screamed, pulling my wrist from his grasp. "You started this whole thing!"
Something switched again, his wild eyes roamed my face, as if he was thinking.
In a second he had my wrist again, forcing me to enter his room.
"Jackson, what are yo-" I started, my heart pounding, he looked furious, actually quite scary (and hot... but only God/s can judge me).
He used his body weight to push me up against the door, pinning my arms to my sides.
"Shut up." He spat, his face dangerously close to mine.
"You can't keep treating me like this." I whispered, my heart racing. If I wasn't so scared right now, I'd be quite turned on.
He didn't say something for a while, he was contemplating
In a second his eyes softened, his grip was loosened and his breathing was calmed.
"Sorry, I can't control myself around you. I'm sorry. I really am." He murmered, his face resting on my collarbone.
"I love you." I whispered, tracing his jaw with my fingers.
"I love you too." He whispered.
There has to be something wrong with me, because I should be scared in this situation, but I was really actually quite the opposite.
Feeling his hot breath on my neck made me extremely 'uncomfortable'.
"I-I better get going." I stuttered, I can't let him win, not right now.
"Why?" He smirked, leaving open, wet kisses along my neck.
"I have things to do." I breathed, trying to push him off me. Okay, I lied, to be honest I didn't want it to stop.
"Like me." He smirked and sucked on the sensitive skin on my neck.
I let out a low moan, almost immediately covering my mouth in embarrasment.
It must have urged him on because he pressed me against the wall, harder this time, and a lot more confident.
"I'm serious." I snapped, finally concentrating on the situation. It took all the strength in me to release myself from his grasp, stumbling towards the middle of the room. "I need to go home, I've got plans with Jimin today."
"Jimin huh?" Jackson contemplated, turning so his back was against the door. "So you would rather spend time with Jimin than me?"
"Don't be like this Jackson, I planned this a week ago, I can't just tell him 'my boyfriend decided he wants me for the day'" I pleaded, running a hand through my hair. I'm sick of him being so darn over-protective of me.
"But I do want you for the day." He smirked, taking a step towards me, wrapping an arm around my waist and whispering in my ear, "My parents aren't home."
"Too bad." I scoffed and pushed him away, once again.
"Ah well, I guess I'll just have to spend the day with Jinyoung." Jackson sighed, his mood completely changing.
The mention of Jinyoung made me freeze, the little donkey is trying to make me jealous.
"Whatever." I spat and made my way to the door, I can't believe him.
"I love you." Jackson whispered, watching my every move.
"I love you too." I smiled and closed the door softly behind me.
I spent the day out shopping with Jimin, we ate lunch, had a look in some stores, and afterwards we went back to my house.
"Thanks for spending the day with me Mark." Jimin smiled and sat at my desk.
"Thanks for letting me." I laughed and threw my shopping bags on the floor, making a bee-line for my bed.
"I see Jackson has his friends over?" Jimin asked, hearing the very loud laughter coming from outside the next house.
"Yeah, but I have my friend over too so I guess it's fair." I smiled.
It was true, instead of having just Jinyoung over, he had the whole crew. Jaebum, Jinyoung, Bambam, Youngjae, and Bambam's boyfriend Yugyeom.
Yugyeom wasn't in his clique before I moved, he was actually really nice to me...

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