Chapter 14 | Jealous

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"I'll see you later, Amber's waiting for me."

Watching the expression on Jackson's face when I walked out of my ensuite was priceless. I was wearing some ripped blue jeans, black sneakers and a black tank top, nothing special. Jackson thought otherwise.

"You're kidding." He gasped, his eyes roaming my body.
"What's wrong?" I asked, knowing exactly what he was thinking... but I had to play dumb.
"Is there nothing else in your closet? I swear you had some nice long sleeved shirts and some good quality jeans somewhere!" He panicked, jumping from his position on my bed and searching through my closet. "Where did they all go?"
"I donated them, I got sick of them anyway." I smiled, opening my door and waiting for Jackson to follow me out.
"O-okay," he breathed, walking outside my room. "where are you guys going?"
"Out to lunch, some sushi place to catch up." Closing my door and walking down the steps, Jackson following.
"Have fun with that." Jackson smiled (well, fake smiled) and walked out the front door with me.
"I will, after that I'm thinking of going over to Rapmon's for a sleepover, he invited the boys and I over earlier but I haven't gotten back to him." I discussed, locking and closing the front door behind me.
"Sleepover? What kind of grown boy has a sleepover?" He chuckled, rolling his eyes. "Don't hang out with those losers Mark."
"Losers? That's funny." I sassed, stopping in my tracks, causing him to run into me. I span around and pointed a finger at him, accusingly. "Last time I checked, your definition of loser is 'someone who isn't worth your attention'. Does that mean I'm a loser? You never spend time with me, so maybe I'm a loser." I scoffed, anger boiling inside me.

He was silent, which somehow made me angrier.

"Anyway, losers aren't that bad! I'd rather be a loser than someone like you!"

I saw the pain in his eyes, he was hurt. Did I care? Yes, but not enough to let him trash my best friends.

"I didn't mean it like th-"
"Then what did you mean?!" I yelled, looking him right in the eye.
"I just meant... I just think-"
"You think that maybe I'm better off without them? Heck, if it wasn't for them I'd be back in America right now!"
"I never said you were better off without them!" Jackson screamed, finally fighting back.

"Well calling them 'losers' doesn't exactly give the impression you like them!"
"Mark, are you stupid?!" He spat.

Finally, his breaking point.

"Oh. So I'm the stupid one?" I laughed.
"I never liked them! They're a bunch of idiots, I don't want my boyfriend being categorised as an idiot at school! I'm the popular guy! I can't have a stupid boyfriend!" Jackson hissed, right in my face.
"No one likes them, Mark."

That was enough to break me.

"You know what Jackson? You're right. You can't have a stupid boyfriend." I sighed, running a hand through my hair.

"That's why I think we should break up."

It didn't take him long to process what I just said.

"What?!" He yelled, his eyes wide and his muscles tense.

I'm not actually breaking up with him. I just want to see how far he'll go to win this 'bet'.

"Apparently I'm an idiot for hanging out with BTS and you can't have an idiot boyfriend." I shrugged, walking down my driveway with Jackson closely behind.
"No, wait. I'm sorry! I understand why you're upset but please don't break up with me." He pleaded.
"Why should I stay? Give me a reason." I turned, watching as the boy in front of me started crying.

Falling for Jackson Wang | MARKSONWhere stories live. Discover now