Chapter 4| Forgive, not forget.

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Warning: Violent/Depression Themes
The rest of the dinner consisted of Dad and Mrs Wang talking about how things are, and the occasional silence. Mr and Mrs Wang finally recognised me and crushed me in hugs. Dad gave Jackson a firm pat on the back, and then silence.
"How long have you been back, Mark?" Mr Wang asked.
"Not very long," I replied, "I only just started school."
"Are you at Eastwood?" Mrs Wang questioned.
"Yeah, back at Eastwood." I stated.
"Jackson why didn't you show him around?" Mrs Wang hissed at her son.
"He's smart enough. He can figure it out himself." He said, his eyes meeting mine.
"I didn't need his help anyway, Mrs Wang." I said, tearing my eyes away from his.
"I was never going to offer." He remarked before standing from his seat.
"Sit back down young man!" Mr Wang scolded.
Jackson held an intense stare with his father, but soon gave up and sat down again.
"Mark, are you still doing well in school?" Mr Wang asked, his eyes softening.
"Yeah. I'm doing alright." I said.
"Alright? Mark is getting straight A's!" My dad exclaimed with a wide smile. "Much better than his old man."
"Wow! That is extraordinary!" Ms Wang (Sister of Mr Wang) gasped.
"Maybe one day you can give my Jackson some tutoring" Mrs Wang said, her eyes drifting to Jackson.
"I'm the fastest runner in my grade, most valued basketball player and the most popular guy in school amd you still find a way to critisize me!" Jackson cried, slamming his fist on the table.
"Honey, all I'm saying is you could get better grades." Mrs Wang squeaked.
"I do get good grades! I may not get A's but I pass everything." Jackson said a matter-of-factly.
"Your grades would be better if Mark helped you." Mr Wang said.
"I don't need tutor!" He yelled, "Even if I wanted tutoring I would most definitely not want Tuan as my teacher."
"Why not?" I asked, gaining the confidence to challenge him after seeing the shock on his parents face.
"Because you'll fail me again."
"I never failed you."
"That's what you think."
"Why are you so salty?"
"Why are you even talking to me?"
"What did I do wrong?!" I cried, standing up from the table.
"Are you kidding me?!" Jackson laughed,
"You're the one who became Mr. Popular!" I screeched.
"At least I didn't leave my best friend when they needed me!"
"At least I didn't sleep with every girl on the planet to get into some stupid basketball team!"
"At least I can get a girl to sleep with me!"
"I don't even like girls."
"They don't like you anyway."
"You really think they like you?!"
"Of course they do!"
"I doubt it."
"Prove it."
"I will!"
"You don't have the guts."
"Try me." I spat before I stopped myself from saying something very rude about his intelligence.
An awful silence filled the room , I looked up at Jackson, my face flushed with frustration, the darn boy was smirking. After a couple of seconds I realised I was surrounded by a bunch of suprprised looks, that's when I decided there was no way I was going to fight with Jackson, not here, not now.
"I need to leave." I stated and made my way towards the door, stopping before I opened it. "Thank you for dinner, Mr and Mrs Wang." I said, slamming the door shut and ran right into my room, never looking back.
Dad didn't come barging into my room yesterday and tell me everything I did wrong, in fact, he never brought it up. Everything was as normal, I did my usual school routine. ...
School... I completely forgot what happened yesterday with Jimin and Jackson. I woukd be lying if zi didn't say I was scared. I know what grade 8 Jackson was capable of, imagining what grade 12 Jackson was capable of made my heart skip a beat. I'm a dead man.

My first class was Physical Education (Sport) with Mr Smith. If I remember correctly, Mr Smith is an old miserable, divorced man who drinks away his depression and blames all his problems on his students. Funilly enough, I had PE with Jimin. Despite the very awkward moment yesterday, we ended up partnering up (once again) and running around the football field for warm ups.

"Sorry about yesterday." I said, breaking the silence as we jogged around the oval.
"I am too. Look I wasn't very nice in gr-" he started, but I cut him off.
"Jimin it's fine, honestly."
"No Mark, it's not. You deserve to know the truth." he urged, desperation in his voice.
"Okay. I'll let you talk."
"I had trouble fitting in at school, no one talked to me or anything..." he started, "I was just about to take my own life, but then you ran into me one day and I accidentally tripped you over. People started to notice me, started to like me. I realised that if I hurt you, people would start to like me. I wasn't that bad at first, I didn't hate you." Jimin sighed, a deep sigh and ran his fingers through his hair, he had stopped jogging and started walking. I did the same.
"One day I came home from school and my sister wasn't there. She... uh... didn't want to live. That's when I was angry at the world, I mean, there was nothing wrong with her! Why would she leave me? So I got more violent with you, more angry at you...
You reminded me of her, you know? You still do."

I tried to string together words of comfort but I couldn't find any. At that moment, Mr Smith called the class back.

"I only realised how much I actually hurt you when I saw you in that pool that day. I thought I killed you, just like I did my sister. I made a promise to myself that I would never be cruel again."
I looked at Jimin, really looked at him. He had tears in his eyes and his face showed pain, remorse and regret. I did something I thought I would never ever do.

I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him. It wasn't a half-hearted hug. I poured all my emotions that I had built up over the years into the hug. He did something I thought he would never do; he hugged me back.
I won't be able to forget what Jimin did, but I forgive him.

"Sorry I'm late Mr Smith, I would give you an excuse but I don't like you." a student said in a monotone.
At that point, Jimin was still in my arms, cherishing the hug. It made me wonder how long it had been since he had one.
"Just get over here Jackson." Mr Smith said, his voice raised.
I tensed up at his name, I know Jimin felt it because he let me go and looked at me, as if saying 'Are you okay?'.
Sure enough, I wasn't. My eyes drifted across the sea of students, searching for him. When I found him, he was staring daggers into me. His stare made my hands shake, I was on the verge of running across the field when I realised he wasn't death glaring me.

He was staring at Jimin.

A/N---> Not edited.
Sorry for such a late chapter!
I finally got into EXO and my current bias is Lay and my bias wrecker is Chanyeol ;)
Have a good day everyone!!
p.s If you haven't listened to it, go listen to 'Hard Carry'- GOT7 because that song is lit .
Byyyeee xxx

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