Chapter 13 | Got him

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"Mark...I have something to tell you." Jungkook whispered, his voice low.
"Hmm?" I hummed in response, watching the nervous boy.
Jungkook dragged me away from the boys into a book aisle, while everyone else was busy looking at the kids toys in the store.
"I-I think I like Taehyung." He breathed, staring at the floor.
"Really? That's great Kookie, I'm happy for yo-"
"It's not great Mark, it's horrible!" He whisper-yelled, trying to keep his voice down. His dark eyes staring into mine.
"How is it horrible?" I argued, keeping my voice down.
"There's no way in the world the boys will be okay with it! Two of their friends dating... I don'-"
"Jungkook, you're actually so stupid." I laughed, watching as his worried expression quickly turned to an irritated one.
"Yah! (Hey!) This isn't funny!" He spat, hitting me in the shoulder.
"Kookie... have you seen Namjoon and Jin? They're practically dating."
"No Mark, they're a 'thing', I'm not looking for a fling. I want the real thing." Jungkook sighed.
'A fling', Namjin is practically dating, they re just too scared to call it anything but a 'flimg'
"Give it time... don't forget about how Yoongi and Jimin act around each other." I spoke, trying to read what the younger boy was thinking.
"Yeah but, Yoongi does that with J-Hope too..." Jungkook sniffed, holding his head.
"Jungkook, I have a strong feeling Tae likes you too, why don't you just ask him out on a date?" I sighed, bringing the boy into a hug, which he glady accepted.
"I'm scared he'll reject me." Jungkook whispered into my shoulder, wrapping his arms around me.

This boy really needed a hug.

"I've seen the way he looks at you Jungkook, trust me on this one."
With a loud sigh, Jungkook finally came to a conclusion.
"Fine, I'll ask him tomorrow."
"Yes! I ship it already!" I squealed, a little too loudly in his ear.
"Shut up!" He hissed, grabbing my hand and  dragging me out of the aisle, only to be face to face with V.

"There you guys are!" He smiled (one of his famous box smiles), carrying a bunch of plushies.
"I saw this sea-gull and I thought of you Jung-..." Tae handed Jungkook the plushie, only to stop when his eyes lingered down to Jungkook's hand.

The hand that was still interwined with mine.

"Oops." Jungkook laughed awkwardly and took the toy from Taehyung.
Taehyung didn't say anything, just stood there awkwardly, his face expression-less. Jungkook was silent too, so it was up to me to break it.
"Let's go make me look hot." I laughed, grabbing the two by their arms and dragging them towards the clothing section.
"Wait for us!" Jimin called and ran after us, the others in pursuit.

"What should I get?" I asked, looking at all the clothes.
"Something hot! With, I don't know, swag?" J-Hope asked, looking through the clothes.
Yoongi's eyes lit up at the last word.
"Did you say swag?" Yoongi asked, suddenly interested in the conversation.
"Yeah. Swag." J-Hope confirmed, pulling out an ugly grey sweater.
"Step aside boys, this is a job for Swaggy Suga." He smirked, making his way towards the tank tops.

"Someone help me." I joked, which wasn't much of a joke.
"I'll be with Jungkook in the kids area!" Taehyung smiled and dragged Jungkook away, after giving me a small glare.
"Seokjin and I are going to look in the kitchen section, we need some more spoons." Namjoon winked and walked off with a laughing Jin.
"Jimin and I have... anthing else to do." Hoseok smiled and ran off in the opposite direction with Jimin closely behind.

Great. I'm stuck with Yoongi.

It can't be that bad.... right?



To: Minsulk 🙄, Hyungwonnie 💙, Show-off 😉, I.M a loser ✌️, Kihyuck 😷, Wonhoe 😏, Joocorn 🌽

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