The Move

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It had been a week since we went to the One Direction concert. I had talked to Niall when he wasn't busy. I'm moving. Debyn and I were packing our things and moving to the UK. No, not because of Niall or any of the other lads we had this planned for awhile, and I had finally payed off all my college debt and saved enough that we could.

I looked down as I began packing up the remains of the bathroom. 

"You know, you should tell him." Debyn said sighing. 

"I know" I responded,  "But what if he thinks I'm a complete loser and I'm following him!" I pouted. 

"Have you saw the way he looks at you?! Wake up and smell the roses sister he loves you" she teased. 

"Your just as bad as Louis" I stated. I had gotten to know Louis pretty well too. He was my best friend, besides Debyn, alougth I saw him more as a big brother.

I decided I would tell him, it would be wierd just showing up in London unannounced. Then he really would think I was a stalker! I got nervous as I reached for my phone and dialed his number. He liked to talk over the phone, rather than text. He said he like the way my voice sounded, and how I caught on to his thick Irish accent and the lads british accents. 

The phone rang at least ten times before I hung up and frowned.  

"Maybe they're at practice" Debyn said reassuringly. 

"No, he would have turned his phone off..." I said my voice drifting off.Maybe it was to good to be true maybe I was just dreaming. Maybe I just needed to wake up, food I thought. I need food, I hadn't ate since nine, I knew it was only eleven but I was starved.  

"Nandos..." I said glancing at Debyns reaction. 

"Sure" She stated cheerily. We hadn't had Nandos since our trip to Washington, it was amazing and I needed Peri-Peri sauce.

~Nialls POV 

"Excuse me" I said grabbing my phone from my back pocket, the boys nodded and I excited the table. We were at Nandos. Man I hadn't had Nandos in forever it was so good to have it, it was the best food. They always cooked it exactly right. I looked at my phone which had vibrated minutes before, but I was in a serious conversation. It was Hannah. I should have known, I should have awnserd it. I quickly type 'Princess' into my contacts list and dial the number. 

"Hi" I said excitedly that she had picked up, after all I had inhabited her call. 

"Hi, Niall" she replied sounding groggy, or stressed. I couldn't tell because usually she is so cheeky and happy. 

"What'd you need, love" I said cheekily smiling at the words, I had just said. 

"We need to talk." I heard Hannah chuckle and I was confused 

"Whatcha need to talk to me about?" I replied with a confused tone. I could just picture Hannah biting her lip, not knowing what to say. 

"I'm moving Niall" She said.  

"You are, that's great! Where too?!" I said smiling like an idiot and I could tell my face was various shades of red and pink. 

"Niall....I'm moving to London. Debyn and I got a flat. We are about five minutes away from you guys. I don't want to sound stalkerish, we have been planning this for years, and looking at this fla-" I cut her off. I knew she was going to ramble on about how she thought I was going to think she's a stalker. 

"Hannah that's great, I'm so happy I get to see my princess more!" I smiled

~Hannah's POV 

I was so happy he was happy. I remembered what he said "I get to see my princess more!" I smiled at at thought, but what did it mean where did we stand. We didn't end up going to Nandos, we ordered pizza and finished packing. Tomorrow we would be living five minutes away from the boys I had on my walls, the boys I loved, the boys on the stairs.

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