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You plop down on the couch extremely close to Niall and watch the movie. You began to lay your head down when you realize there is no food or drinks.

"Crap!" you yell, jumping off the couch and going into the kitchen.  

"What's wrong love?" he asks with a concerned look. 

"Nuffin Muffin, I just forgot the snacks, Mountain Dew and cosmic brownies?" 

"Sounds great!" 

"Ooo, I want some Nutella and peanut butter and chocolate too!" I grab all the snacks and bring them in setting them on the coffee table. I open a cosmic brownie and began eating it. 

Niall grabs one as well and opens it. Just then the mother is killed in 'Finding Nemo', you hear a manly wimper and look over to see Niall with tears on his rosy cheeks.

~Niall's POV~ 

Great. I went on a "date" with Hannah then the paps ruined it, then the "fans" sending her hate. Everything was going fine untill I decided to be a freakin' wimp and cry during 'Finding Nemo', she must think I'm gay or something now. I see her look at me and smile. I can imgaine her telling her friends about the "date" tomorrow and how she thinks it isn't going to work out because I'm to "sensitive". Just when I think she is going to stop pretending to like me, she sits by me and kisses my cheek. "It's sad isn't it," she says, burrying her head into my chest. I wrap my arms around her torso and smile at her. "Snuggles," I whisper, then yawn.  

"Awww, is somebody sleepy," I hear Hannah say, trying to sound as much like a baby as possible. I nod in response. I am exhausted and tomorrow is my day off. I have no plans and hopefully I will spend the day with Hannah. My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of a manly burp and it wasn't me! Hannah looks up at me and starts laughing. "Sorry, its the Mountain Dew, I sware!" I laugh. "You don't have to apologize," I say and she continues her girlish giggle. Just when the night was getting worse, it got better. I looked in to Hannah's eyes and realized it was the first time I noticed their colour. They are goldish, brown but have all the other colours too. Hazel-I lean in and kiss her. She kisses me back, I feel my fingers tuck a piece of loose hair behind her ear. It has felt like hours after we stop kissing. It was the sweetest kiss, her lips tasting like strawberry.

~Hannah's POV  

We just kissed. He kissed me! It was longer than I ever imagined, it was romantic it was sweet and enjoyable. He tasted like fresh breath, mint to be exact. Which is a bonus on two levels I love guys with good hygenie and amazing minty breathe. We sit there awkwardly and I have a feeling it's more awkward for him then me, so I reach for his hand and pull him up. "Where are we going?" he asks. 

"To bed I'm tired we can watch a movie in my room."  

"Ok," he says smiling. 

I open my door and find the remote throwing it at Niall. The remote smacks him right in the shin and he bends over in pain. "Terrible aim!" he says too me. I run over there completely ignoring him. "I'm so sorry! Are you okay? Do you need ice? Where did I hi-" 

He cuts me off and it kind of makes me mad I was trying to help. "I'm fine," he says.  

"I was just trying to help," I say, quite rudly. 

"Sassy," he states, giving me a wink. 

I go back over to my bed and lay down. Niall stands at my door awkwardly. "Snuggles?" I offer. 

"Snuggles!" He yells jumping into my bed, causing me to fall off. 

He laughs and I shoot him a death glare. "Ooo," he says, "I'm really scared." He puts out his arm for me to grab, which I take and pull him to the ground with me. You both giggle like little kids until Niall stands up and helps you up. I climb into bed, and lay my head on Niall's chest. He wraps his arms around my torso and kisses my forehead. I grab his pinky and interlock our pinkies . "Is it to early to say I love you?" Niall asks. "Never." I say smiling. "I love you, Hannah." Niall says kissing my forehead again. "I love you too Ni." 

I look into his eyes, they are the perfect shade of blue. The blue you love that is so familiar.  

"Do you think this is too fast?" I asked, not knowing what I was saying. "No...It's perfect." He whispered, kissing me one last time, before we both dozed off.

~Niall's POV  

I heard something jiggle. I open my eyes and see Debyn and Louis burst through the door. Crap, I think. I look over at Hannah and she is still asleep. 

"I take it the date went well." Louis says all too sarcastically. 

"It went perfect."I replied, matter-o-factly 

"Good for you Nialler!" Louis says, next thing I know him and Debyn are both jumping on the bed. The result a grumpy Hannah.

~Hannah's POV  

Why the heck is Niall jumping on the bed at whatever time this is? I just want to sleep, maybe he has to do something today and wanted to tell me bye. I sit up and smile at the thought of last night. "DEBYN!" I all but shout. 

"Hi, sleepy head," she says cheerily. 

"What the heck are you doing in my room at this time in the morning!"I shout at my disrespectful best friend that knows I hate being woken up and for no reason at all! 

I hear Louis mutter a cough. "She really is like Niall." I glare at him, and he shuts up. 

"Where the heck were you last night? Why did you just show up here with no text message? You know how to knock, we were just sleeping but you still could have knocked!" 

"I'm sorry," Debyn says. "Louis and I went out, and we got REALLY drunk so I just stayed at his place."  

"Oh," I say, it's all I can say. We agreed all of us would take this slow and she is not agreeing to our decision. YES, I like to have fun. But when you are involved with the world's biggest boy band things can get nasty, quick. I learned that last night. 

"So...Are you two together?"Debyn asked with a smile 

"Yes," Niall stated before I could even think straight. I smiled. We were together we were dating. I was dating Niall. Niall James Horan, and we like to snuggle. I smiled.

(A/N: Yes I realize it was the first date! I dont care!!:) P.S. You all should be proud I did this chapter through a migraine!!:)xx Love you THAT much!:)xx)

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