Friends Who 'Westside' Together, Stay Together

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~Hannah's POV

I'm picking Grace up in three hours. I am so excited, I have changed fun outfit five times. Debyn has agreed to let her live with us, since our flat is three bedrooms and is quite large. I haven't saw Grace in a year. We went to school together, until I moved back to my hometown and with Debyn. We still saw each other, that was until things started getting bad for me and I had no time to see anyone, except my mom.

Niall was driving me to the airport. Debyn and I were both of driving age, and had our license but we're saving up for cars. Niall doesn't mind driving me around when he isn't busy and it gives us some time together. I finally find an outfit. I have on a grey v-neck, blue jeans,  ugg brand moccasins, an infinity scarf, aviators, and a perfect messy bun. I hear a knock at the door and literally run to it. I run into the door, when Niall opens it. "Are you okay?" He asks, helping me off the ground. "Yes, I'm fine leggooooo!" I shout. Niall laughs in reply, and takes my hand in his as we walk towards his car. "Starbucks first?" He asks. "Um...always," I reply as sassy as always. "Sassy much," He chuckles. "Always," I say smiling, while putting on my seat belt. We go to Starbucks where I order a white chocolate mocha with a few pumps of raspberry, and Niall orders some kind of tea. "Thanks," I say taking the large cup, as we head to the airport.

We get to the airport and I hop out. I grab Niall's hand, and we head for the entrance. "Are you excited?" He laughs. "Yes," I reply with a smile. We make it inside, before we are noticed and there is a mob of fans and paps around us. I hold Niall's hand tighter. "Nervous?" He asks with a smirk. I had to tell him that Grace was kind of a Niall girl before she came here. "No," I protest, leaning up to kiss him. I release from the kiss and realize Grace is standing in front of us. "Friends..huh?" Grace asks looking at Niall. "Grace!" I scream letting go of Niall's hand, and running toward her. She smiles. I open my arms, and she opens hers. We hug for ten minutes, while I cry. I see Grace move her hand up and I notice what she is doing. I forget Niall is there for two minutes. Grace and I both hold up 'Westsides' while yelling "Westside, Westside, Westside, Westside!" We jump in circles, while yelling and holding our symbols. We do this, until we hear an all to familiar Irish laugh, and I remembered Niall was there. I start laughing. "Hi babe," I say looking at Niall while laughing. "Quite the show, how about we go home and talk," he suggested. "Okay sounds good," I smile and take his hand. Grace walks next to us. "Grace,nice to meet you, I'm Niall, your stuff arrived yesterday Harry and I will help you get everything set up." Niall says politely. "Sounds great," Grace smiles. We leave the airport and get in our car.

(Bahahaha #Cliffhanger Love you too!! Happy #SingleAwarnessDay Who wants to be my Valentine?? :) xx Peace.Love.Giggles)

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