Kart Racing-Mario Style

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~Debyn's POV

We pull up to Starbucks and go inside. "What do you want," I hear Louis ask. "Chai tea," I say trying to act as annoyed as possible. "Faker," Louis says and orders my tea and his coffee. "Debyn and Louis," I hear the Starbucks worker call, as Louis goes over and grabs your guy's drinks. "Thanks," I  say. He walks you to the door, and opens it for you. "What a gentleman," I tease, and he rolls his eyes. You guys get in the car and he drives again. "What exactly are we doing?" I ask. "Well we are in a car and we are driving to a place, to go on a date," he replies proud of his awnser. "No I mean like what we doing on the date?" I asked, trying to be more clear. "You'll see soon enough," he says, pulling up into a parking lot. I read the sign on the buliding, INDOOR KART RACING. "Wait, are we-," Louis cuts you off, "We are kart racing, Mario style. It's a Mario time." He says trying to sound like Mario. I clap my hands and laugh. He gets out and opens your door for you. We walk inside, and we are lead back to a dressing room where you see tons of costumes. "Wait, we have to wear those?" I ask. "Um of course," Louis says, putting on the Lugi costume.

"Then I want to be Mario!" I yell. "Good cause I'm Lugi. It's a Lugi time." He says sounding, and looking like Lugi. I laugh and put my costume on, then take our picture. We go out in race where I win three games and he wins two. After that, we go to his Flat he shares with Niall and watch "Grease".

~Louis' POV

It was the perfect date. We had so much fun. Even though she beat me. Now we are watching "Grease", I don't know how this could be more perfect.

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