Chapter One

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"Rick! Look, everybody, it's Rick." Negan announced, his voice cracking ever so slightly as Rick handed Aaron over to Eric, glaring at the man who was overly happy to see him. "Ah, your people are making me lose my voice doin' all this yelling. Rick how about a 'thank you'? I mean, look, I know we started this relationship with me beating the holy shit out of your friends, and because of that we're never gonna sit around and braid each other's hair or share our deepest, darkest secrets, but how about a little credit? I just bent over backwards to show you how reasonable I am. Your kid-- he hid in one of my trucks and machine-gunned a bunch of my men, but I brought him home, safe and sound, and I fed him spaghetti."
   Rick turned to look at his son with an expression of full disbelief, and Carl stood up with a sadness in his eyes as Negan chuckled, pointing to Spencer's lifeless corpse on the ground. "Another one of your people-- well, he wanted me to kill you and put him in charge. I took him out for you. And this one right here," Negan paused to motion towards Rosita, "she shot Lucille, trying to kill me just now, so I gave you one less mouth to feed. And by looking at her, that mouth did some major damage. Now, personally, I wouldn't have picked her to be the one to go, but Arat," he sighed, "I don't know...didn't trust her."
Rick looked into Negan's eyes, a strange feeling swirling inside him as he lowered his voice. "Your shit's waiting for you at the gate. Just go." he hissed, and Negan raised a brow in amusement. "Sure thing, Rick, right after I find the guy or gal that made this billet. Stay?" Tara stepped forward, "It was me!" A few of Negan's men surrounded her as Eugene cried out. "No, it wasn't." Negan smiled slowly as he turned, walking over to the mullet-haired man. "It was me. It was only me." Eugene continued, and Negan smirked. "You?" After taking a quick breath, Eugene spoke up once more, "It required one spent casing, one four-holed turret reloader, powder, one funnel for the powder--"
"Shut up...I believe you," Negan interrupted, turning back towards Rick as he stepped forward, lifting Lucille into the air as he took a deep breath, closing his eyes. "Lucille, give me strength." he said outlays as Rick and the others watched. "I'm gonna be relieving you of your bullet maker, Rick-- that and whatever you left for me at the front gate. And however much you scavenged, it's not good enough." Negan stated softly, closing the gap between them, his warm breath hitting Rick's skin as he glared. "Because you're still in a serious, serious hole after today." He was extremely close, much to Rick's discomfort as he tried to stay strong, holding his sharp gaze. "Arat! Have some of the men take the sorry fucker back to the Sanctuary, I still have some business to attend to here." And with that, a few men began to pull Eugene away from the group as Rosita cried out, begging for them to take her instead. Negan chuckled as he watched, switching his attention back to Rick seconds later with a wide grin.  "Rick, I ain't gonna lie-- your kitchen is a goddamn mess." he faked an apology, reaching out to grab Rick's arm as he pulled him towards the house. "So how's about we go clean up?"

Author's Note: I need to open a window lol. This took me forever because I was having to remember everything Negan said during that scene, and I'm quite proud of the results :) please let me know what you think and also vote. I will come back and fix mistakes if I find any

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