Chapter Four

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Author's Note: short chapter but....definitely worth it. Yes, very worth it indeed haha ;) please give feedback!

   It was late, that's all Negan knew as he stepped into the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind him before turning the light on. He looked at his reflection in the mirror, feeling the familiar urge returning as he reached down to unbuckle his belt, pulling the zipper of his jeans down. Stepping into the tub, he slowly stretched out over the bottom as he eagerly slid a hand into both his jeans and underwear. Negan groaned softly, biting his lip as he squeezed his length, beginning to stroke slowly in time with his thoughts.
   But these weren't his normal thoughts, no, they were about someone new, which surprised Negan as he groaned a little louder. How this person managed to effect him this way he didn't know, but he couldn't deny the lustful thoughts that filled his head whenever they were near.
   He sped up his actions, his ragged breaths becoming louder, a little sweat coating his forehead as he closed his eyes, imagining the person beneath him taking all he had to give. "Fuck," he groaned out huskily, arching his back slightly as his climax neared, flicking his wrist with each stroke. He eventually came, moaning out the name he had to keep secret. Negan panted softly, pulling his hand free as he looked around for a towel. It was so wrong, he knew that, and yet Rick's name had never sounded sweeter on his lips.

 It was so wrong, he knew that, and yet Rick's name had never sounded sweeter on his lips

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