Chapter Thirteen

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"Daryl's escaped," Arat confronted Negan, who's jaw clenched at the information as he looked out the window, watching a few of Alexandria's residents go about their day. "Where'd he go?" he asked, his voice low, and Arat shrugged. "We're not sure. He killed Fat Joey, stole one of our bikes...." Negan slammed his fist against the wall with a loud thud, causing the woman to jump in surprise as he took deep breaths. "Take the rest of the men here back to the Sanctuary," he ordered, and Arat frowned in confusion. "But that leaves you here alone." Negan scoffed at her obvious statement, holding his hands out. "No shit, princess." he replied, letting out a sigh as he controlled his anger. "Come back in a week, if I'm not alive kill them all, but I need them to trust me. They can't do that with a bunch of men aiming guns at them now can they?"
   She nodded quickly, finally understanding her boss's motive. "Alright, we'll head out now." Without another word she headed outside, and Negan scratched at his jaw. Rick entered the room a few moments later, expression both confused and weary. "Your men are leaving?" he questioned the man in front of him, not truly believing it himself, and Negan smirked. "Guess so," he stepped closer to Rick, who watched him carefully. "I need you to feel comfortable around me, if this system we've built is gonna work." Negan leaned forward, his nose brushing against Rick's lightly. "If gonna work." he whispered, implying the short affairs they'd shared, and Rick let out a shaky breath.
   Negan chuckled lightly at the man's reaction as he stepped back, Rick blinking a couple times before regaining his composure. "It's been a while, maybe we should head upstairs...have some fun?" Negan suggested playfully, a low growl in his voice that shamefully excited Rick, who gulped. "Or...maybe right here's good," he continued, pushing Rick up against the wall, their lips connecting without hesitation. Negan pulled away after a moment, breathless as he looked into Rick's eyes. "It seems your friend, Daryl, escaped while I've been gone. Did you know anything about this?" Rick narrowed his eyes, hiding the fact he did know deep within him as he shook his head. "No. Not a thing."

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