Chapter Two

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   "Your son told me your wife died. Said he shot her himself," Negan brought up as he finished washing the last dish, setting it down. Rick stayed silent for a moment, making a mental note to talk to Carl about his little escapade later before clearing his throat. "I'm not talking to you about that." Negan clenched his jaw, Rick's answer pissing him off more than it should've. He turned on his heels, leaning back against the sink as he gripped the edge of the counter. "Now Rick....let's try to get along, alright? I'd hate to repeat what's happened in the past." Rick looked over at him, narrowing his eyes as Negan chuckled softly, sucking his lower lip into his mouth as he waited.
   "She's dead, that's all there is to it. It's over now," Rick finally said, and Negan grinned as he pushed himself away from the counter, moving closer to the man. "You fucking anyone on the side right now? When you're not collecting shit for me." The look on Rick's face gave Negan the answer he needed, and he chuckled as he leaned in. "Is it that babe with the dreadlocks? I bet that's fucking nice, huh?" Rick growled, grabbing fistfuls of Negan's shirt as he pushed him against the kitchen island, Negan's eyes going wide in a mixture of shock and something....something border-lining excitement.
   "Woah Rick, take it easy now." he chuckled as Rick glared at him, his panted breaths brushing over Negan's skin as he grinned. "You're getting rough...aggressive...I like that," Negan continued, his voice softer as he leaned in, their noses almost touching. "I bet you get rough with her don't ya? You make her pussy so wet she practically begs for it. Man, I wish I could give it a try." Rick's glare narrowed even more at his comment, his grip on Negan's shirt loosening slightly as he backed up. "Don't touch her." That was all he could say, and for the first time Negan looked genuinely offended. "I don't rape Rick...I ain't a full blown monster." Negan straightened up, clearing his throat. "Besides," he began to say before cracking his neck with a sigh, "I wasn't talking about her."

Author's Note: Soooo how do you guy like it so far?? I'm trying to build up tension and add onto what was already there. Anyways let me know in the comments, and please leave a vote :)💕

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