Chapter Six

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Author's Note: I find this story very easy to write so far, maybe it's because I'm enjoying it so much? Who knows, but thank you guys so much for all the support you give, it really does help my writing process haha as always feedback and vote!💕

   "What's going on here?" Rick asked as he stepped into the kitchen, spotting Negan with his daughter, and the man turned to look at him with a grin. "She was crying earlier, figured I'd make myself useful." he replied, and Rick moved forward to place a soft kid on Judith's head with a shaky breath. "I just finished feeding her." Negan informed as he stood up, stretching his arms above his head with a yawn as Rick watched him cautiously. Negan took notice of this, and realized Rick hadn't been here when he'd first met Judith. "I'm not gonna hurt her. Damn, that'd be too much even for me."
   Rick relaxed a bit at his words, knowing that if he wished her harm he would've made it clear by now...or at least he hoped. "Has Carl come downstairs yet?" he finally asked, looking around for any signs of his son being up, and Negan shrugged. "Not that I've seen, I've been preoccupied." he replied, looking over at Judith as she gurgled happily, hitting the surface of the high chair with a loud squeal. Rick turned to head up the stairs, calling out his son's name.
   "Carl?" When he didn't receive an answer, he reached out and opened Carl's bedroom door. "Carl it's time to get up--" He stopped mid sentence, finding the boy's room empty, and he quickly hurried down the stairs as Negan frowned. "What's going on?" Rick checked all over the downstairs before finally replying, his voice a little shaky as he held his head. "Carl's not here."
Negan picked up Judith, holding her in his large arms as he walked over to where Rick stood in the living room. "You sure he didn't just get up early and go out?" Rick thought it over, knowing it could be a possibility, but after Carl's latest move he wasn't so sure his son should be leaving the house. He nodded slowly, "Yeah...yeah, probably." Negan cleared his throat, looking down at the hardwood floor. Rick let out a sigh, reaching out to take Judith before holding her close, looking at Negan. After a long pause, he finally spoke. "We have cereal, not much else right now. Hope that'll do." Negan held the man's gaze as he nodded. "That'll do just fine."

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