Chapter Nine

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Author's Note: is it bad hat for this story I really don't like him and Michonne being together? It's like move out of the way bitch he's Negan's lol

"What did you mean by 'our little secret'?" Negan's eyes opened quickly, and he looked over at the doorway where Rick stood, watching him. He sat up in the bed, and Rick found himself eyeing the man's chest, his jeans suddenly becoming tighter in the crotch area as he stepped into the room. He closed the door behind him, clearing his throat. " said it's our little secret. What did you mean?" Negan smirked, though it couldn't be seen in the dark as he bit his lip. "How's about you come over here and I'll show you exactly what I meant." Rick stayed in place, and Negan chuckled before standing up, slowly making his way over to the man who watched him intently. "Tell me what you're really in here for. Cause I know it wasn't just to ask some stupid as fuck question."
Rick bit the inside of his cheek as Negan moved closer, his chest eventually touching his own as heir eyes connected. "I don't know what you're talking about." he finally replied, and Negan chuckled leaning in, his warm breath hitting Rick's face. "I think you do." It happened quickly and without thought, their lips connected roughly as Negan let out a low growl, and he backed Rick up against the closed door. Rick gripped Negan's shirt, pulling him closer without hesitation as the man pressed his body to his, groaning at the contact.
   "Dad?" Carl called out from downstairs, and Negan quickly pulled away as Rick caught his breath. Negan chuckled softly as he backed away, "See...I knew you wouldn't be able to resist." Rick blinked, reaching down to turn the doorknob as he stepped forward to open the door, quickly walking out. He let out a sigh, shaking his head quickly going to greet his son.

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