Chapter Twelve

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   Negan paced around the living room, distracted by his thoughts as he chewed at his lower lip. He could use what he and Rick had to his advantage, train Rick to follow his rules like a loyal dog, but it wouldn't be easy-- that he knew for sure. He let out a deep sigh as he scratched his neck, the front door opening and closing behind him. "Take me instead." a female voice spoke out, and Negan turned to face the woman who had damaged his Lucille, narrowing his eyes. "Why should I? Your friend is gonna come in handy." She walked up to him, eyes filled with determination as she looked up at Negan, placing a hand on his chest. "I'm quite handy more ways than one." she stated in a failed seductive tone, and Negan fought back the urge to laugh.
   "Oh sweetheart, you have absolutely nothing I haven't already had a hundred times over." he replied with a soft chuckle, and she frowned as she pressed her body to his. "I know how to please, and I'll do whatever you want if you bring Eugene back and take me instead." Negan thought it over, shrugging his shoulders. "I'd honestly have a more enjoyable time fucking your friend than I would you." he stated, and her eyes widened as he grabbed her arms to push her away. "You hurt Lucille, that Eugene guy was taken because of you, Olivia is dead...because you made a stupid decision. Learn to live with your mistakes instead of whoring your way out of them. I did." he snarled darkly before pushing passed her, walking outside as she stood there stunned.
   Negan looked down the street, letting out a groan before heading to the gate where Rick stood talking to some of his people. "-- we can keep this up." He overheard Rick speaking to Father Gabriel, frowning as he spoke up. "Keep what up exactly?" Rick jumped at the sound of his voice, turning to look at Negan. "Nothing, just supply runs." Rick lied, and Negan narrowed his gaze as he stepped closer. Rick froze in place, unable to breath as Negan let out a menacing growl. "I'm not gonna be happy if I find out you're lying, Rick. It will not end well for you." Negan whispered, and Rick looked down at the ground, knowing there was nothing he could do.

Author's Note: I will be fixing errors if I find them! Don't forget to vote :)

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