Chapter 5

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I don't understand what possessed this bitch to put her hands on me and I'm not even a violate person but if you put your hands on me it's over. I kept punching as I started to black out. I should really stop because I'm really hurting this girl. I hit her one last time before August pulled me off of her I made sure I kicked her in her ribs before I was off of her. "Calm down Sabrina right fucking now'' August growled in my ear while I was still in his arms. I immediately simmered down, not wanting him mad at me. Jessica picked herself up and limped over to us. ''August, I'll do anything for you. I can pretend that none of the things that happened, even happened. I just want to be with you that's all'' she said in a crying panic. I had real sympathy for her but I didn't regret what I did. I feel bad because she truly loves him and it has to hurt to see him chose another woman over her when he's not even with me. ''Jessica you said some dirty shit tonight and crossed the line when you talked about my son. I think it's time you leave'' She nodded her head and walked out of the house. ''Aww man what did I do'' I said as I broke out of his arms and went upstairs to my baby's room to calm down. I got in the room and to my surprise he was up, playing with his feet. When he heard me come in he started smiling and reaching his arms up. Almost instantly I calmed down. Only him and August have this effect, it's the craziest thing ever. I went and picked him up kissing his face over and over. I love him so much and just thinking about the things Jessica said about him made me want to cry. A tear slipped from my eyes and I didn't even realize August was in the room until he wiped my it with his thumb. "Why you crying Sabrina" "I'm just thinking about all the things she said about my baby, You don't believe her do you" He stayed silent. "Are you serious, you believe her" "What no Sabrina it's just that" I didn't even let him finish I just walked out the room and went to mine to start packing. I laid Christian on the bed while I did so. I can't believe he believes that bitch over me. How could he ever question that Christian was his baby when they look just alike. I know I'm a stripper but I've never been a hoe. I've only been with only one other nigga other than August and he knows that. As I furiously packed my clothes August came in the room. "Sabrina would you calm down" he said picking Christian up. "I am calm" " So what you packing for can we at least talk about it like come on now" "What is there to talk about. I heard everything I needed to, to know how you feel" "Sabrina look at me, look at what I'm doing. I'm holding my son regardless if he's mine or not he's still my son" That did it for me. I put my last things in my bag and went to Christian's room to pack his things. He literally doubts that Christian's his I can't believe that. I started crying again not being able to comprehend what was going on. I was completely confused. Did he always feel this way? I wasn't surprised when he followed me to Christian's room. "You're not taking my son" he said putting him in his crib. "Oh so he's yours now. I can't believe you right now" "Sabrina that came out wrong" I stopped packing and turned around towards him. "So what are you saying August explain to me what the fuck you're saying" He pulled me by my arm out of the room. Aww man, I got him mad, but right now I don't fucking care you don't say no shit like that to your bestfriend and to my face too. This guy is too bold. "Sabrina calm the fuck down you ain't even let me explain what I was saying" he growled at me. For a minute I was intimidated but I kept my poker face. "Explain then" I said as I slapped him in his chest. It kind of hurt but I didn't care. My adrenaline was at an all time high. "Look I'm not going to lie and say I've never wondered if he was mine or not I mean Sabrina I know you're not a hoe but all it takes is one time with somebody" The tears really started to fall then. He honestly felt like Christian wasn't his. "August" I whispered. I was so shocked and overwhelmed I didn't know what to say. "It doesn't matter to me though, regardless I still want to be in his life. No matter what I love him like he was my son."he said grabbing my face in his hands. "August I can't take your face right now just move" I said trying to get around him to finish packing. There was no way I was staying here tonight. He wouldn't move out of my way for shit though. "August I said move" I said shoving out of my way knocking him down. I got to Christian's room and quickly finished packing, grabbed him, the keys and made it to the door with him in my arms. When I went back upstairs to get my bag first August tried to grab it from me but I punched him in his face and kept it moving to Christian's room to get his stuff. I grabbed his bag and ran downstairs and out the door. "SABRINA ! I'M NOT ABOUT TO LET YOU LEAVE JUST COME BACK IN. PLEASE" August said as he held by my arms with my back facing him. I broke away and put my stuff in the trunk. I walked around to the door while August went to the other door. I didn't realize what he was doing until he took Christian out of the car seat and held him. I got out the car and just broke down right there in front of the car. "August just let me go, please" I said in between sobs. I couldn't handle all of this right now. "Sabrina just talk to me please I'm begging you" "There's nothing left to say why won't you let me go" "Sabrina I can't let you do this just talk to me" "No August give me back my baby" I said reaching for Christian who held onto August tighter and burst into tears. This only made me cry more. "He's mine too Sabrina. You two are my life line you can't just leave me like this." He said cradling Christian's head, soothing him. "Ughhhhhhhh August pleaseee" I was beyond frustrated. "Let me go" I cried "NO, SABRINA TAKE YO ASS BACK IN THE HOUSE AND TALK TO ME DAMN I'M TIRED OF THIS SHIT JUST GO IN THE FUCKING HOUSE" he yelled at me making me and Christian cry harder. "Why, there is nothing to talk about and if you think he's not yours then why should I stay" "Because I love y'all too much to let you leave" " Love isn't enough August" He came closer to me. "I don't think you hearing me Sabrina. I love you" I was so taken aback by his words I didn't say anything else.


Sorry for the wait you guys I was really busy. But tell me what you think ??

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