Chapter 24

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I was in the hospital room getting my eye stitched up and the cut on my arm. After everything that had happened we called the ambulance and had Sabrina brought in. That was over 2 hours ago and she still wasn't up. That nigga Jay was in the lobby room because he refused to leave without knowing anything and his entourage had disappeared. I felt like shit for putting Sabrina in this situation let alone my unborn. I knew she would forgive me though it just how we work. I fuck up she forgives me. I don't like it but that's just how it is.

I walked out of the room and to the lobby and didn't see Jay. I had decided to check with the nurses at their desk to get an update on Sabrina. "Excuse but can you give an update on a Sabrina Powell " "Umm yes she's just woken up" "Oh good can I go back and see her" "I'm sorry but only her and the father of the child are suppose to be back there" "Ok I'm the father of the baby can I go back there" "The father of the child is already back there though" I started thinking and that's when it clicked. That nigga Jay most of said he was the baby's father so he could go back there. He was really starting to get aggravating. "Ma'am the wrong guy went back there I'm the real father, I just need to make sure she straight." She looked at me with pleading eyes. "I'm not suppose to let you back there but I believe you let me just take you back there so we can clear this up. " She said as she stood from her seat. She walked back to the room and opened the door.


I had woken up and instantly my hands went to my stomach and the back of my head. I quickly buzzed the doctor to let him know I was up so he could tell me how the baby is doing. "Hello Ms. Powell, how you feeling. I'm Doctor Reynolds" "How's my baby" I said getting right to the point. "Umm can I get the father in the room first you both need to hear this. I was informed by the nurses that he's with another nurse getting patch but he should be done by now so I'll go get him." he said then left. I wanted to cry. There was only one reason I could think of that made sense on why they would need to have both me and August in the room. I placed my hand on my stomach and tears started falling. I wasn't ready to hear him say the words. I was already so attached to her, I already loved my baby girl and couldn't wait to see her. I prayed she was a fighter and that she had pulled through for me.

Doctor Reynolds walked in and had Jay with him. I'm sure my look of confusion was evident because he put his finger to his lips. He walked over to means said, "Don't say anything I just wanted to see how the baby and you were doing" he said grabbing my hand. I was a little off with him at the moment. "Jay that's sweet but that's not your place. Where's August ?" I whispered. "I don't know I don't ca--" he was cut off by the sound of a door opening. "Um Doctor Reynolds I think you got the wrong guy" the small nurse said adding a laugh in. " Are you sure ? He said he was the father of the child" Doctor Reynolds said with a confused look on his face. "He lied, I'm the father" August said chiming. "Do you even see any stitches on him. I specifically told y'all I would be getting stitched up but to get me as soon as y'all got an update" he added on. "He's right sir, I'm going to have to ask you to go back to the lobby" The doctor said. Jay left the room but his face showed how angry he was. "Are you ok" I asked August. "Uh uh don't worry bout me how you feeling? How's the baby" he said shaking his head and rubbing my stomach. The mention of the baby made my eyes water. " Why you crying Sabrina. Is it the baby" "They won't tell me" I said about to full on cry. "Hey, hey don't cry um your baby girl's fine I just had to have you both in the room so we could go over a few things." the doctor said trying to calm me down. "Baby girl? We're having a baby girl ?! Oh shit Sabrina you heard that " August said cheerfully. "I thought you guys already knew this" the doctor asked confused once again. I was hoping he wouldn't spill to August every detail because then he'd be pissed at me for keeping it from him. "What are you talking about" August said back to him. "It said here in Sabrina's files that she went for a checkup sometime last week which was the one she learned the sex of the baby" Shit. Doctor Reynolds talk too much. "Oh really ? Sabrina you went to an appointment last week" he said glaring at me. My tongue couldn't even move right enough to speak so I looked away. "We'll talk about that later. Doc can you tell me what's up with my baby girl" he said turning from me to the doctor. "Ah yes well she's actually doing quite fine however mommy isn't. When Sabrina passed out it had nothing to do with the fall. While going over everything I saw just how high your blood pressure and stress levels are. You aren't dieting properly and it's showing. You aren't gaining enough weight and it's causing the baby to eat off of the leftover things you have in your stomach. If you've been experiencing abnormal pains that's the reason. You might have to go on an early maternal leave because you're doing too much of these things you aren't suppose to and too less of the things you're suppose to. You're five months Sabrina, you need to get in the motion of a pregnant woman. I'm putting you on a strict diet and prescribing you different prenatal vitamins. August it's your job to take care of her and make sure she's doing everything she's suppose to. Your baby girl's life is on the line and so is her mother's." Doctor said writing out my prescription and giving it to the nurse in the room. "I'll leave you two to discuss what we've just gone over. You can get dressed. You're free to go when she returns with your meds. " he said leaving the room. August turned to face me and I prepared myself for his raft. "Why didn't you tell me" he asked rubbing my stomach. "You're going through so much and I didn't want to bother you with this." I said hoping he believed me. "Sabrina this is my last time telling you this and then I'm not going over this anymore. I know you're only looking out for me but you have to stop babying me. You've been trying so hard not to stress me out, you've been stressing yourself out. For now on out don't keep anything from me ok ? Your problems are my problems" He said helping me sit up. "Well if that's the case then we need to talk when we get in the car" I said to him as I started putting my clothes on. I started pulling the robe but had noticed August looking at me. "Hellooooo could you turn please" I said to him. "Mann I've seen you naked thousands of times" he said turning around. "Not while I was pregnant " "Yes I have. Did you forget that you're having my second child" "Shutup" I clipped my heels and took my hair out of my now awkward bun. "Alright I'm finished. You can turn around" as soon as he did the nurse walked in with my vitamins. "Take two a day. One when you wake up and one when you go to sleep. Take care of yourself ma'am " she said and left the room. "Alright let's go to the car so we can talk" August opening the door so we could leave out. We headed to front lobby and surprisingly Jay wasn't there.

"Alright so what is it you had to tell me Brina" he said starting the car. I took a deep sigh and told him from beginning to end everything that had happened involving my recent findings on Christian. He was silent and showed no emotion he clinched the wheel tighter and tighter. "So when are you suppose to meet her again " August asked. "Tomorrow I guess because I was suppose to go today." I said looking ahead. "Alright after you talk to her I'll take over from with the police situation. Thank you Sabrina I can't believe you did that for me" he said glancing at me. " It's my job" I said before I looked out the window.

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