Chapter 16

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That whole day I had been feeling little knots in my stomach but was sure it was just gas and now I'm here all over the floor getting ready to have my baby. "Jessica !" I heard August yell. "August" I whimpered. People started going frantic. "What do you want me to do" he asked. "Call the fucking ambulance don't be dumb." I yelled at him. "Right, right" he said shaking to get his phone. "Yes hello um my baby mama's just went into labor we need somebody here fast !" he screamed into the phone. "You want me to ask her" he said into the receiver. "Ok, Jess how far along are you contractions" "I don't fucking know just tell them to hurry up." "She said she don't know can you just get somebody down here. " "What do you mean, alright." he said talking into the phone. "Jess I gotta look down there and see if you crowning. " he said before he lifted my dress and passed out. "August !" Sabrina yelled. She ran over to him and put his head on her lap and took the phone. "He just passed out" she said into the phone. "You want me to what ?! OMG!" she said before she lifted my dress and pushed my panties to the side. I heard her gag as if she was about to throw up. "Yes she's crowning. Ma'am I CANT DELIVER A FUCKING BABY!" she said into the phone still cradling August's head. "Ok fine, fine. CAN SOMEBODY GET ME WARM WATER, A TOWEL, ANd SOME SCISSORS." Sabrina said to nobody in particular. No one moved they just stood there staring. "NOW DAMN IT!" then everybody broke out to get what she asked. "What am I supposed to do with August" Sabrina said into the phone. "Ok. BRING ME HOT SAUCE TOO !" she yelled again. "Alright now what " Rhena said as she ran over with everything in her hand. "We got to deliver the baby they won't be here in time. " Sabrina said to her putting the phone on speaker. "What ?! uh uh I can't deliver no baby" Rhena said to her. "Rhena please" Sabrina cried. "Ok ma'am I need you to take the scissors and cut the underwear of the pregnant woman" "Alright" Sabrina said before she did so. Was she really about to deliver my baby ?


"Alright now take one of the towels and place it right underneath her butt" the receiver said. "Ok, ok" " Now the person who's helping you, tell them to hold the girl's hand because she's about to push" Rhena grabbed Jessica's hand and the look she displayed proved she couldn't believe what we were about to do. "What about August" "Ok, take the hot sauce and open his mouth and sprinkle it on his tongue" I did that and he started coughing and waking back up. "August baby are you ok" I asked him. "Yea what happened" "Jessica's going into labor" That almost made him jump upright. "what am I suppose to do " "Go grab her other hand she about to push." "Ma'am are you ready" the receiver said to me. "Ok take the warm water and pour a little on your hands" I did as instructed. "Alright what now" "Ok I need for you to instruct the woman to push and stop for 10 seconds and push for 10 seconds. Are you ready because when the baby comes out you'll need to clean it with the other towel and wipe it off with the rest of the water." "Ok. Jessica you ready" I asked. She nodded with sweat beads coming from her head. "Alright on my count of three. 1..2..3.. PUSH ! " Jessica started screaming and pushing. "1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10 Stop. Breathe. Again" The baby's head was out. "Alright Jessica just two more pushes 1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10 stop. breathe" She had got passed the shoulders. This shit was so nasty. "Alright Jessica last push" I grabbed the baby so when it came out fully it wouldn't fall. "Push 1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10 alright you're done." I grabbed the baby and started cleaning it off. "Alright the baby's here what should I do now" "Take the scissors and cut the umbilical cord " the receiver said. Just as I had did so the ambulance pulls in with a stretcher. "We'll take it from here ma'am. You've done a great job." They said picking Jessica up and taking the baby from me . It was a boy and he had green eyes and a loud cry. He was beautiful that was my last thought before I passed out.

(Next Day)


Yesterday was hectic to say the least. After delivering the baby Sabrina passed out and we later found out it was due to dehydration and pure shock. Jessica was doing fine and so was Jayden. He was healthy even though he was born a little prematurely but because she was well into her eighth month it was fine. Right now I was sitting in Sabrina's room by her bed waiting for her to wake up. I wasn't going to push off talking to her any longer. I needed to know why she had been avoiding me, had moved out, started that new business, and quit her old job. I wasn't really mad at her for quitting stripping I was actually happy she was finally setting out to do what she had been wanting to do for so long I just wanted to know why she chose now. Why the sudden change ?


I had just woken up to August playing with my fingers. I was a little confused as to why I was in here, the last thing I remember was..... Rhena and Trey getting engaged, Me delivering Jessica's baby..... and actually seeing with my own eyes August cheating on me. I quickly snatched my hand away from him. I looked at him with such disgust. I couldn't even believe at one point he was the only man I'd truly loved and he'd done me so wrong. "Sabrina what's going on with you. Why you keep doing stuff like that ?" "August I think we need a break" I said turning over on my side not wanting to look at him. "What, why? You've been avoiding me for a month, you moved out, you haven't even let me see Christian. Now you saying you want a break for what ?!" "We've grown apart and you've changed. The old August I knew would never do some of the things you've recently done to me. I can't take this stress and it's bad for me" "Sabrina what have I recently done to you other than love and respect you." "Respect me ?" I was suddenly mad and fed up with being the bigger person enough was enough. I turned back around and looked at him. I was so mad I'm sure he saw fire in my eyes. "Respect me ? Were you respecting me when you let Jessica do and say whatever she felt like to me ? Were you respecting me when you cheated on me at your own mother's house ?! Or better yet were you respecting when you was letting that bitch give you head in my fucking place! That wasn't respect or love that was hate and selfishness. I bet you never once thought about Christian and I when she was doing all that stuff for you!" I was crying hardcore tears and August was sitting there bug-eyed and surprised. "Yea I know everything, I saw the bitch leaving yo room fixing her clothes and to think in that same hour I had found out I was having your baby. Yesterday the door that close when she was giving you head was me leaving the room." He still sat there shocked and speechless. "What's the matter cat got your tongue. How could you do this to me. August you are the only man I've ever loved, you gave me my first baby, first real home. You were my everything I would've done anything for you and you knew that. I've had your back since we were two years old and you betray when you come in contact with the first next bitch. You ain't shit and you ain't never gone be shit get the fuck out of my room" I said wiping my tears. "If it don't concern the kids don't hit my line no fucking more ask that bitch Jessica for help I'm sure she'll be more than happy to oblige." He stood up as if he was about to hug me. "Don't you fucking touch me. I want absolutely nothing to do with you.Get out!" He started walking to the door. "Oh yeah I'm 2 months along!" I said to finish it off.

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