Chapter 3

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I left out of footlocker with Christian looking for Sabrina. She was suppose to meet me 30 minutes ago, and she was no where to be found and she wasn't answering her phone. I began thinking the worst and started searching all over the mall for her. Something told me to check the food court and that's where I found her, talking to none other than Marcus. I immediately went into protective mode. She knew I hated this nigga why the fuck was she talking to him. He used to be my best friend in high school which meant he hung with Sabrina and me. This nigga did me so dirty. He slept with my girlfriend and got her pregnant. He knew how much I loved her and did that out of spite, that was 12'th grade year. I'm still not over that. I walked over to them and cleared my throat with Christian resting his head on my shoulder. I'm sure he's sleeping. "Um, Sabrina you was suppose to meet me 30 minutes ago. I was worried about you why didn't you answer your phone ?" "Oh August I'm so sorry I didn't even noticed you called and time went by while I was catching with Marcus , you remember him right " " How could I forget" I said not even looking at him. Out of nowhere Christian started whimpering. Before he could start full on crying Sabrina had already took him from me and started cradling him. His whimpers ceased. I'm assuming he just wanted her. "Aww baby boy you just wanted your mommy" she said kissing him while he giggled. "You got a baby" Marcus asked. " Yeah" I answered for her, "We got a baby together" I rudely emphasized on we. Sabrina cut her eyes at me mugging me like hell. Though usually I would, I personally didn't care right now. I was not about to have a reoccurrence of 12'th grade even if Sabrina wasn't mine she was still mine if that made sense. " Excuse his rudeness but yes we have a baby" she said. "I knew y'all would get together " he said with a smile. " Oh August and I aren't together" she said. For some reason I didn't like the sound of that. "Oh really" Marcus said with an even bigger smile. "So how's Melina and y'all kid" I said cutting him off before he said something that make me madder than I already was. " They good. As y'all know we had a little girl, she four now." "Are y'all still together" Sabrina said reaching in the baby bag and getting Christian's bottle so she could feed him. " Naw we co-parent but nothing else" "Oh really" Sabrina then said. Oh hell no she got another thing coming if she think she finna get with him. "Sabrina we should go it's getting late and I still wanna take y'all out to eat" "Alright" she said getting ready. I grabbed the baby bag from her so she could carry Christian. "Wait Sabrina we should get together another time let me get your number" Please don't give him your number, please don't give him your number I said in my head as I bit my lip in frustration. "Sure, my hands are kind of full so just give me yours" She said as she handed him her phone. He took it proudly and put his number in and gave her back the phone with a smile. He kissed her on the cheek and turned around and left. Just like that. I was so pissed, she could get with anybody just not him. "Come on, let's go " I muttered as I walked away from her.


Is it me or did August just get mad out of nowhere. I mean I know him and Marcus don't get along but damn I let him have a life I want the same respect. "Would you chill" I said as he opened my door for me after I put Christian in. "I am chill what you talking bout" he said closing my door. "You are not chill, all I did was get his number" "If you know why I'm mad then why would you do it. You know I don't get along with him" "I understand August but I want a life too all I got is you and Christian. I want somebody to love me and hold me and damn it I want sex. I haven't had sex in over a year. I'm not just your baby mama. I love you August, you and Christian are my world but I'm still a woman and I can't be living with you for the rest of my life" "Alright, alright I hear you. I'll try to be more understanding but you're not leaving no time soon." "So stubborn" "But you love me so it's okay" I laughed and said, "Shut up"


I'll let up a little bit, but I'm not letting her move out no time soon and take my son? Hell naw she can hang that up. It was already 7 so instead of going out to eat I picked up McDonald's and headed home so she could get ready for "work". I pulled up in the driveway and she got out and got Christian. When we got in I called Jessica and told her to come watch Christian from 9-12 because I had to go to the studio after I dropped Sabrina off. She grabbed her duffel bag and stuffed her "uniform", heels, and a water bottle. All we were doing was waiting on Jessica so we could go. 10 minutes later I heard Jessica knocking on the door. Me and Sabrina were eating at the table while Christian was napping upstairs so while I opened the door she went upstairs to grab her bag. "Hey Jessica" "Hey August" she said kissing my cheek as I closed the door. "Look I'm sorry about last night. I know how it is with Sabrina and your family comes first I shouldn't have tripped" "It's cool ma don't even worry about it." "We good ?" "Yeah we good. Christian upstairs sleep. Wake him up in about 30 minutes and feed him with the bottles that Sabrina already left him in the fridge." "Okay" "Alright, I'm ready. Hey Jessica" Sabrina said as she gave Jessica a genuine hug. I peeked at Jessica's face and saw hatred while Sabrina was smiling at her. I'll ask her bout that later. As they finished hugging, me and Sabrina left.

"Alright August you sure you don't need more than two hours at the studio. I can ask somebody else to take me home" she said as we pulled up to Teasers. "I'm sure, I'm only working on a few beats nothing major I'll be here at 11." "Alright" She kissed my cheek. "I love you" she said as she slid out the car. I rolled down the window and said," I love you too" and pulled off. 


Another Chapter. Tell me what you think ?

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