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True to his word, Dan took Kyle out the next day. The older of the pair was far more confident than the younger, making sure he held the boy's hand all day and never once let go of him. Kyle likes to hold Dan's hand, but sometimes he fears the public's opinion of them both. In such a small village, news spreads fast. They had gone to the cinema, albeit rubbish and run down, to watch one of the films they both wanted to see. Kyle had never been happier than in that moment, cuddled with Dan and in fits of laughter. He's happy to be able to call Dan his boyfriend.

Boyfriend. The word circles around Kyle's mind once more as they sit by their tree again, wrapped up in each other. Dan is playing with playing Kyle's hands, mindlessly toying with his fingers. They're in complete silence and listen to the birds as they sing in the branches about them. One of Dan's blankets is sprawled over them- it keeps them warm, and Dan had bought it for this reason.

Kyle feels a lot better with the knowledge Dan is there- so, so much better. He adores the boy- if anything were to ever happen to Dan, God knows what he'd do.

"Hey, Dan," Kyle says quietly, looking up to Dan. The other boy returns his look, waiting for him to continue. "I don't wanna go to school tomorrow." He tells him, a feeling of horrible sickness bubbling inside of him at the idea of seeing Catlin ever again. The bully had taken up boxing now, and not a school day passed where Kyle wouldn't come home with a bloody nose or horrible bruise forming. Yet the teachers continue to do nothing.

"Oh, Kyle... I know you don't. Just remember, though, I will never let him touch you. He can go through me first if he wants you." Dan isn't the strongest person and neither of them would stand any chance against Catlin or any one of his friends- but the thought is there, and Kyle appreciates that.

"I really can't stand him, Dan. I have no idea what I ever did to him which made him hate me so much..." Kyle shakes his head, and suddenly, he can hear all of the horrible words that Catlin had brainwashed the vulnerable boy into believing, and he can hear him making fun of his stutter, which still hasn't gone.

Dan plays with Kyle's hands even more- and Kyle's stomach gives a nasty lurch as he feels Dan's hands slowly crawl down his sleeve and onto the rough scabs of his cuts. He tries his best to pull his arm away before Dan feels them, but it's too late.

The other boy's breathing comes to a sharp halt, his eyes widening. His skin suddenly goes to a milky white and his heart plummets. "Kyle..." He whispers, slowly looking to his boyfriend, who hangs his head in shame. "do you...?"

Kyle's silence is all the answer he needs.

"Can... Can I see?" He asks quietly. Kyle nods. As gently as he possibly can, Dan rolls the sleeves to Kyle's hoodie up, and he feels like being sick. Over the boy's forearm lies far, far more marks than a few, all crossing over one another and painting his arms in a mixture of dark red and fading pinks. "Oh, Kyle... I-uh...I..."

"Think I'm stupid? Pathetic? Yeah, me too. And I hate myself for it." Kyle hides his face in his boyfriend's shoulder, feeling tears prickling his eyes. "I can't do anything right, Dan. I deserve it."

Dan wants to scream. He wants to cry. He just wants to bundle Kyle up and take him far, far away, to a place where nobody can hurt him.

"Kyle, shut up. You don't deserve it, okay? You have your flaws, as do I, but people don't mind flaws. I don't mind the fact you can't speak fluently, it doesn't bother me in the slightest. But there are absolute dickheads like Catlin who decide to take these flaws and make the person hate them. I love you for you, for who you are, Kyle, and nothing, or nobody, can change that. Okay?" Dan feels Kyle slowly nod against his shoulder. "And doing this," he gently runs his fingertips over Kyle's arms, "Doing this only makes things worse. I know you may find it relieving now, but there are alternatives which are much, much better. If you ever want to do this again just call me. I'll be straight over, okay?"

Kyle swallows a lump in his throat, feeling his eyes water again. He knows he won't keep that promise. "Okay..." He chokes out, broken sobs escaping from him. "I'm sorry, Dan."

Dan says nothing but kisses the side of the other boys head. "Love you, Kyle."

Kyle's house is cold again, and he can't help bt feel overwhelmed by guilt. How on Earth could he ever be so stupid as to do it in the first place? Then he feels guilty for not doing it again.

"Mum's going on a date tonight," Kyle's eight-year-old sister tells him as she stands by his bedroom door. Kyle is lying on his bed with his vinyl player spinning in the background.

The boys feels a flare of anger rising up from the pit of his stomach and his eyebrows furrow. "Already?!" Dad left only a few days ago!"

The young girl just shrugs and disappears, and Kyle is left confused. He quickly rises to his feet and marches over to his mum's bedroom, pulling his sleeves far over his hands.

He hammers on the door with the side of his fist. "Mum?"

"What?" She replies as Kyle pushes the door open. He notices how bare it looks without the pictures of his family, and his parents together.

"You can't go out on a date tonight!" He says, sitting down on the bed. "Dad left, like, three days ago! You can't be over him that easily!"

"Kyle, you don't understand," his mum replies, continuing to apply bright red lipstick. It matches her red heels. "You have to put yourself out there- who knows, this man could be your new father."

"He will never be my dad, oh my God, Mum! Listen to yourself, please! You can't just expect to get rid of our dad and then just go get another dude around here pretending that Dad didn't exist!"

"Look, Kyle. I'm choosing what I want to do, and if I want to go on a date then I will. Nothing you can do will change that." Mrs Simmons turns to her son with anger in her eyes. Kyle feels sick with fear.


"You live under my roof, you follow my rules. If you don't like it, then leave." 

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