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Time passes quickly when you spend it with the one you love. Kyle knows this far too well since his time at the Smith household came to an end once Mr Simmons found a house close by to not only the Smith's but to Kyle's school because now everything feels as though it's dragging on.

He's much happier now that he's living with his dad. He loves being able to talk to him about anything- Kyle feels he's already hit his rock bottom so he holds no secrets.

His panic attacks are becoming increasingly difficult to get through without Dan being there. The nights before he left, Dan had helped him to control his breathing whenever he had a panic attack and told him what to do to help himself calm down.

Since he has been living with his dad, a lot has changed. He was finding his arms to be less of a resort for his panic, anxiety, and depression. It wouldn't be like that if Dan wasn't there, though. He helped Kyle more than Kyle can ever thank him for.

"Talk to somebody about it, Kyle," he had told Kyle as they were lying in the bed together. The clock on the wall said 02:34, but Dan and Kyle didn't feel sleepy at all. "They can help you." 

"Not really. I can't talk to anybody about it," Kyle had replied with a voice equally as quiet. Dan frowned with confusion and his hands gently slipped into Kyles.

"Why not?" 

"Because men don't cut themselves, do they? If they do, they're weak. I'm weak. It's a sign of being... Being... Well, I don't know, but men just don't cut themselves like I do." 

Dan hated hearing this- he hated the lies that Kyle had fed himself. 

"Kyle, nothing about a person decides if they self-harm or not, okay? Not their age, class, gender- nothing." Dan told him, "It doesn't mean anything like you're weak, or that you're 'un-manly', it just means that you are, or were, going through a really tough time. People have many different ways of coping- it's not the best, or the healthiest of ways to cope, I know, and that's why I want you to stop it," Dan told him, slowly bringing the boys hands to his lips.

Kyle looked uneasy.

"Just try, Ky, for me?" Dan stared deeply into the other boy's eyes, "I will support you the whole way through it. I swear." 

"Okay, Dan. For you." 

Mr Simmons had also signed Kyle up for speech therapy. This means that at five o'clock on a Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday every week, Kyle is at the local doctors' office with his speech therapist. He's now able to string together a sentence without stuttering as much, and he's beyond happy about that. It was when his dad pointed out that everything really was looking better now that he fully understood Dan's glow bands.

It's Kyle's first day back at school today. Dan had gone back a week and a half before, but Kyle just wasn't ready. For a short period, Kyle had shut down altogether. That scared Dan. Their story had already been in the newspapers, and the fact that Mr Catlin was no longer in charge of the garage (now called Woods Motors) just confirmed everything. Everyone at school would know by now.

"Hey," Kyle smiles as he sees Dan walking towards him. He tries not to let his nerves show as he holds his arms open and accepts his boyfriend into a hug. Dan's school bag makes it slightly awkward to hug him. 

Dan pulls away from the hug and kisses Kyle's lips. They're not bothered about anyone knowing they're in a relationship now- well, Dan wasn't really as bothered in the first place as Kyle was.

"I feel like I haven't seen you in forever," the shorter boy says to Kyle as he gives his hand a gentle squeeze as an act of support. "Are you ready for today?" 

Kyle gives Dan a queasy smile and his boyfriend beams back at him as they begin to walk. "As ready as I'll ever be I guess." 

"I'm honestly so proud of you, Kyle," Dan watches Kyle with so much love in his eyes that anyone around them would be able to see it radiating from him. "I genuinely mean it. You've come so far and I'm unbelievably happy for you." 

Kyle's cheeks heat up under the other boy's watchful gaze and a smile grows on his face. Just for a moment, it feels like nothing has ever happened in the first place. Everything has a sense of clarity and cleanliness- he doesn't feel at all like he did those months ago.

Everyone at school had been asking Dan questions about Kyle. He wasn't annoyed because since Catlin was gone, there was nobody that Dan was necessarily weary of. Catlin's so called friends, however, were now supporting the pair. It felt good to not be scared of anybody again.

"I want to spend the rest of my life with you," Kyle whispers to Dan as they cuddle together on Kyle's bed that evening. 

"Yeah?" Dan says back, running his hands through Kyle's hair. 


"Good. Because I want to spend the rest of my life with you, too." Kyle smiles as he listens to Dan's words. He wants nothing more than for Dan to be by his side every day.

"Good." There's a slight pause in the air before Kyle speaks again. "Do you think we'll get married and have kids?" 

Dan can't help the smile that breaks across his face, but he knows that proposing to Kyle is a while away yet. "One day, Kyle, one day." 


"Cross my heart and hope to die." Dan answers back, kissing the boy.

"I'm looking forward to it." Kyle chuckles, which makes Dan smile even more.

"I'm just looking forward to our future, Kyle." 

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