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Kyle didn't leave. He didn't really have the guts to. Instead, he sat in his room the entire night absolutely fuming over the fact that his mum had gotten over his dad so quickly. Why couldn't he just have a normal life, with normal, happy parents and he and Dan could be together without fearing the ridicule of the public, or more importantly, Sam Catlin? Why couldn't he be happy? It's all he wants.

Kyle has been told by his dad since he was very young to never go to bed angry- but what else was he supposed to do? He wouldn't go and apologise to his mum because, at the end of the day, she was wrong. So, unlike he usually would so early, he tucks himself under many of his blankets at just six o'clock and goes to sleep.

"Dan?" Kyle asks the shorter boy during break time the following day. They've just come from their different form rooms and have now met back up on the stairs. 

"Yes, Kyle?" Dan replies, not looking up to the boy though focusing on his geography homework. Kyle sits close to him. His glasses are sat on his nose, and Kyle can't help but admire how cute Dan looks in them.

"I, uh, I got into an argument with my mum last night- well, it wasn't really an argument, but it kinda was," Kyle rambles, suddenly regretting saying anything at all. 

Kyle notes the way that Dan's hand stops writing. He pauses for a beat before he continues. "What about?" 

"She got over Dad pretty quickly... She went out on a date last night. He was still there this morning..." He explains, casting his eyes to the ground.

"Well... I mean, sometimes some people find it easier to get over heartbreak than others. What was the argument about?" Dan asks, slowly shuffling closer to Kyle, but eyes still focused on his book.

"I said that it was wrong of her to go out on dates when Dad is sleeping on Grandma's sofa. Then she said if I didn't like her rules, I should get out of her house." 

Dan stops writing and immediately looks up to Kyle, mouth slightly open. "And...? Did you leave? You should have come round mine, Kyle! You know my door is always open, especially for you." 

"I didn't leave. I didn't really have the guts to. I just thought that it was a bit of a crappy thing to not only do but to say." Kyle huffs, feeling a horrible weight sitting on his heart and shoulders. "I think I just need to get used to it..."

Dan leans over and hugs Kyle. He doesn't care that they're in school right now and that Catlin could be anywhere- he just wants to comfort his boyfriend. He doesn't know what to say to Kyle, but actions speak louder than words. 

"Do you want to go and see your dad tonight?" Dan offers Kyle, gently slipping his own hand into the boys. "I'll take you."

"How would we get there?" Kyle muses, "My grandparents live in the next town over," 

A frown spreads across Dan's face. True, neither of them can drive yet, and it's not like they could just walk there. "We'll take the bus. I'll pay for us, Kyle, consider it a present. If we leave school and go straight to my house, get changed- you can borrow my hoodie, and then we could just go. We could be back for midnight." 

Kyle shakes his head, "I don't know. That's a lot of commitment... I really appreciate the thought, Danny. I really do, but just not now. I'm sorry." 

"Well whenever you're ready, Kyle, I'm here." 

Kyle's hands fly to his neck to try and get the man, pinning him against the wall, off of him. "Who are you?!" The man demands, pushing further into Kyle's throat. into Kyle's throat.

"What the- get off me!" Kyle yelps, trying to pry the man off of him. "I live here you nut case! Who are you?!" 

"Oh God, you're one of those annoying kids who s-s-stutter, huh? God. That's gonna be really annoying." The man groans, letting Kyle drop to the floor. As the boy lands, he takes a deep breath. -s-stutter, huh? God. That's gonna be really annoying." The man groans, letting Kyle drop to the floor. As the boy lands, he takes a deep breath. 

"Speak for yourself," he mumbles, cheeks flushing red. "Who the Hell are you?" 

"Your mum's new fella. I'm living here now." He grunts, his voice thick and rough. Kyle frowns. 

"You what?" 

"I'm living here now." He repeats, looking at Kyle like he's stupid as he rises from the floor. "Your mum asked me to move in with her this afternoon." 

"This is such bullshit. It's not even been a fucking week." Kyle storms upstairs, anger rising through him again. God, he hates this man already. 

"I don't like him, neither," his little sister says, once again stood by the doorway. "I think he's stupid." 

"Hey, Dan? Can I speak to you for a minute?" Mrs Smith says as she enters Dan's bedroom. The boy is hunched over his desk, looking confused at his notes for the upcoming English mock exams. 

"Huh?" He asks, not even looking up from the paper. The notes sprawled out in front of him are written in an array of bright colours on post-it notes ranging from pink to yellow. 

Mrs Smith walks over to her son's bed and takes a seat on the edge of it. She doesn't really want to have the conversation, she just wants confirmation. Carefully, she straighten's out Dan's bedsheets.  bed and takes a seat on the edge of it. She doesn't really want to have the conversation, she just wants confirmation. Carefully, she straightens out Dan's bedsheets. 

"I saw you the other day," she tells Dan, not looking up to him. She knows he won't be looking at her.


"Yeah. When you were with Kyle, er, holding hands..." 


"Yeah." She pauses a moment, and notices the way that Dan's pen sits perfectly still in his hand. "I don't mind. I really, really don't. I just want to know if you two are, you know, a thing. I love Kyle, Dan, he's like another son. I'm happy if you and him are happy, okay?"  and notices the way that Dan's pen sits perfectly still in his hand. "I don't mind. I really, really don't. I just want to know if you two are, you know, a thing. I love Kyle, Dan, he's like another son. I'm happy if you and a thing. I love Kyle, Dan, he's like another son. I'm happy if you and are happy, okay?" 

Dan smiles, though he feels a red hue creep up his neck. "Thanks, Mum. I really appreciate it." He finally looks up to her, and she looks up to him. Mrs Smith rises, as does Dan, to give her son a hug.

"I love you, Dan." 

"Love you too, Momma." 

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