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Dan and Kyle walk out of the school gates together the following Thursday, hand in hand. Kyle doesn't know if he's happy that the day has ended and he can finally leave, or whether he's scared of going home. Yet again, he and his mum's new boyfriend had been in another argument last night, and it turns out the man likes to use violence to sort out his problems as opposed to words. Kyle had spent quite a lot of the night pressing a bag of ice to his face to stop the bruising being too bad. Dan didn't really question it.

"So, so, so," Catlin says as he clocks them holding hands, "Suppose the rumours are true then, Simmons. You do like it up the arse."  

Like he has done for all the years Catlin has bullied him, Kyle hangs his head. Dan just keeps his head held high.

"Fuck off," the black-haired boy says, squeezing Kyle's hand ever so slightly. "Nobody cares about what you have to say." 

"Oh, Smith! Feisty today, aren't you?" The boy comments with a scoff. "Oh God, you just have one of those punchable faces- and it doesn't help any that you stick up all the time for your s-s-stuttering boyfriend there. God, I thought it was actually just a rumour- I can't believe you two are actual faggots." 

"Catlin, you better shut your damn mouth." Dan threatens, halting in his tracks and turning to the boy. "I'm serious. You better shut the fuck up." 

Catlin scoffs out a laugh and his friends are in stitches of laughter. "Oh, yeah, 'cause you're definitely going to do something, huh? Look at you, Smith, you couldn't scare a ghost. Apart from that little freaky hair thing you have going on. How about you leave Simmons to us like you should have done years ago, and trot off on your merry little way and find another faggot to be your bum-buddy?"

Images fill Dan's mind and he immediately pushes them away- Kyle is lying on the floor, screaming and crying in pain as the others kick him and punch him. He looks like he's going to give up at any moment. Dan pushes the images away and snaps.

"In your damn dreams. You'll never touch Kyle as long as I can do something about it," Dan roars, turning away from the boys, much to Kyle's relief. 

"Well, we'll have to sort that out, too." 

"What do you think he means?" Kyle asks Dan nervously as they settle down by their tree again. "It didn't sound good, Dan, they're going to hurt us." 

"No, they won't, Kyle. They're wimps, they won't hurt anyone." Dan looks to Kyle, maintaining the tight grip on his hand. "Especially you. I won't let them." 

Kyle doesn't feel at ease any. He's scared of everything nowadays- he's scared of his mum's boyfriend, he's scared of Catlin and his friends, and in a sick sense, he's scared that Dan doesn't love him like he says. He knows he's being stupid with the last one, though.

Silence consumes the space around them as Dan helps Kyle with his homework, snuggling up and using Dan's coat as a cover for their legs. Kyle has his head leaning on his lover's shoulder, and he can't help but feel a bit pathetic in the fact that he's the taller one but he always needs to be protected.

"Are you cold?" Dan notices the way Kyle's teeth are starting to chatter and how he's slowly inching closer to Dan.

"Just a bit," Kyle mumbles, "But I don't want to go home." 

"Why not?" 

"Mum's got a new boyfriend. Can't stand him." Kyle diverts his gaze once more to a ladybird that has crawled onto Dan's coat. It's getting awfully cold now, and Kyle is surprised they're still around.

"Oh." Dan replies, "Do you want to sleep around my house tonight? My mum won't mind- and my dad's out on a work do." 

Kyle shakes his head- yes, the idea does seem very tempting, but it'd be unfair if he left his little sister there all alone. He bets his mum's boyfriend and his sister haven't even spoken, but he doesn't even want to leave her alone with him all night.

"I'm sorry but I've got to make sure my sister is okay. I'm really sorry, Dan." Kyle suddenly feels like the world is coming to a crashing halt- he's stood in the same loop that won't ever end. Goes to school, gets hit by bullies, goes home, gets hit by his mum's boyfriend. There feels like there will be no end to it. 

"Stop apologising," Dan says, packing his bag up and taking the coat off of their legs, slowly shuffling back into it. "Come on, I'll walk you home, anyway." 

"Can... Can I be a pain, Dan?" Kyle asks sheepishly, slowly trailing behind Dan.

"Kyle, you're never a pain." 

"Wel... Can we go and see my dad this weekend? Me and you. He likes you- and plus then you'll get to meet my grandparents and they'll also probably love you. I love you." Kyle rambles on which makes Dan laugh. 

"Of course we can, Kyle. I'll take us there on the bus. And I love you, too." Dan leans up to kiss Kyle and nuzzles into his neck. "Now come on, it's getting cold." 

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