Madeline Mczinith

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A/N  I will update every Tuesday and Thursday. All rights go to Rick Riordan. Except for Madeline, and her friends, all the characters belong to Rick.

Madeline's POV: 

Hi, I am Madeline Mczinith, and I am hot. I am the hottest girl at school. I have blonde hair (thanks to Bombshell Blonde hair dye), tan skin (thanks to the tanning bed), and blue eyes (thanks to those colored contacts). The hottest girl should be paired up with the hottest boy, right? Well, the hottest boy at Goode High School is Percy Jackson. Percy Jackson is the stepson of the English teacher, Mr. Blofis, so he is well-known throughout the school. Every day, he get's asked to go out. Percy always declines for some "girlfriend" he already has. I once overheard him describing his "girlfriend." 

"She has natural blonde hair (Aw! He thinks my hair's natural!), tan skin all year round (I work hard at that!), and grey eyes, that calculate my every move." Okay, I don't have grey eyes, but, hey close enough! Today while I was heading to my Science class, I saw Percy alone, looking fondly at a photo. 

"Hey!"I say sneaking up behind him.

"Oh, hey." His voice is unenthusiastic. I bet he is just containing all that excitement about seeing me. 

"So who is that a photo of?" I look at it. It is a girl, so pretty, so like Percy's description of his "girlfriend" that I know it must be Photoshopped.

"It's of my girlfriend, Annabeth." Huh. So his "girlfriend" is named Annabeth. My name is an anagram for Annabeth. Almost. But Percy is dyslexic, maybe he got his letters mixed.  (A/N How oblivious, how oblivious.) 

"Oh, your so talented with Photoshop!" I flirt. (A/N I have never flirted, so I am doing my best here!)

"What? You think it's Photoshopped? It's not!" I see the hurt in his eyes, but I ignore it. 

"Right. So anyway, you'll be at the swim meet, right?" Did I mention that Percy was the head of the Goode Panthers swim team? He is amazing.

"Yes. I'm the captain, duh." Right then the bell rang, rudely interrupting our nice conversation.

"Bye, Percy!" I waggled my fingers and shot him a flirtatious smile. He just looked at me weirdly. Oh well, he must not be used to hot girls paying attention to him. 


The next day at the swim meet...

I go over the plan once more with my friend (A/N Whenever it says friend read follower! Sorry, you must be tired of these Author's Notes. I'll stop now!) Alexa.  

"Right, so when Percy wins the swim meet-" I start.

"Wait! How do you know Percy is going to win?" Alexa interrupts.

"ALEXA! I just know it. Anyway, when Percy wins the swim meet, I'll go up to him, compliment him, and then kiss him. He'll be so excited that I kissed him, that he"ll pronounce his undying love for me. And we'll live happily ever after." See foolproof!

"Are you sure-" Alexa starts.

"Of course it's going to work!" Alexa had zero confidence. But again, you needed to be pretty to be smart. Of course Alexa wasn't pretty. Her hair was dyed, but her roots were showing, and her tanning bed experience didn't bode well. We entered the gym. Metal bleachers were filled to the rim with people holding signs that said GO PANTHERS! or occasionally GO PERCY! , and the water was crystal blue. Alexa and I found a pair of seats behind this girl who I have never seen before. She had tan skin, blonde hair and stunning grey eyes that calculated your every move. Everything about her seemed natural. She had an amazing figure, and athletic body, and she wore her sweater and jeans with ease. I was immediately jealous. I noticed that she looked a lot like Percy's photo! I pushed that aside. It couldn't be. 

"Swimmers take your mark." The announcer announced. It was starting. I watched Percy, he crouched ready to take off for the 200 meter freestyle. He looked up momentarily, and sent a huge grin in my direction, I sent him a kiss. 

"GO SEAWEED BRAIN!" The girl yelled from in front of me. 

"Get set... GO!" The pistol fired and they were off. Percy dove down, and stayed down for the longest of all the others.

The girl muttered, "Cheater." That settled it. This girl couldn't be Percy's girlfriend, otherwise she wouldn't have called him a cheater. Percy obviously won. 


After the meet...

This was it. The announcer had just finished saying that the Goode Panthers had won, and I was struggling to get to Percy. But that dumb blonde (A/N I HATE CALLING ANNABETH A DUMB BLONDE!) reached him first. And then she did the unthinkable. She kissed him. Right there. She kissed MY boyfriend! I stormed up to her.


"Excuse me?" The girl asked. She glared at Percy. "What is going on?"

"Hi Madeline. This is my girlfriend, Annabeth. The one I told you about at school yesterday. Remember? The one you though was Photoshopped?"

"You mean she's real?" I can not believe this. Annabeth is real. No. 

"Yes." They answer at the exact same time. On that final note, they walk hand in hand away. 

That is how I met Percabeth.

A/N Okay from now on I am going to have a Question of the Day. So here it is:

In which book does Annabeth first kiss Percy? Shoutout to the people who get it right!

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