Mr. Gilbert

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A/N GUYS! I HAVE AMAZING NEWS! THIS STORY HAS 500+ VIEWS! Please comment some questions for me to answer! As usual, all rights go to Rick Riordan.

Mr. Gilbert's POV:

Hi. My name is Jonathan Gilbert. I am the History teacher at Goode High School. Today there is a new student coming to the school. Her name is Annabeth Chase. Apparently, she has dyslexia and ADHD, just like another student of mine. Percy Jackson. I don't know how I am going to manage two Percy Jacksons! Anyway, Annabeth is in my first class of the day, so I better get going. The bell rings and my students come pouring in. I put Percy right between the wall and an empty desk because he tends to talk. The last two people who come in are Percy and a girl who I don't know. That must be Annabeth. They are chatting away like they have known each other forever. Huh. I spot many jealous girls face's as they look at Percy with Annabeth. I rap on my desk with my knuckles. All the students turn towards me.

"Hello Class. As you may see, we have a new face in our crowd. I expect you to welcome Miss Annabeth Chase into our community." Cue the glares of the jealous girls. Cue the glares of the love-struck boys. Even I am not oblivious. Annabeth is pretty. I clear my throat. "Annabeth you may choose whatever seat you'd like." Annabeth slides into the seat next to Percy. I mentally face palm. She is going to regret that. I start the lesson. 

"Today we will be learning about Greece. Can anyone show me where Greece is on the map?" I pull down a blank map. I see almost the entire classes hands raised. This is an easy question. I am VERY surprised to see Percy's hand raised. I call on him. Percy walks up to the front. 

"This is Greece." I follow his finger and am surprised to see that he is pointing to Greece. Huh. (A/N NEVER UNDERESTIMATE PERSASSY JACKSON! Tee hee. ;p) Percy walks back to his seat. 

"Now who can tell me where Athens is?" Some of the hands go down. I call on Annabeth. So far she has been quiet and attentive, quite the opposite of Percy, actually. She correctly points to Athens. 

__________________ Time skip until the end of the class..._______________________________

"So it is almost the end of History, Annabeth, would you like to tell the class a little about yourself?" Annabeth stands up. 

"Hi. My name is Annabeth Chase. Even though I have dyslexia and ADHD, I am still smart, do not underestimate me." Her grey eyes sweep the room. "I am 17 years and originally come from Virginia, but then my dad and step family moved to California. I ran away when I was seven because my family hated me and now live in New York. I still see my dad sometimes, but now I live with my boyfriend and his family. Yes, I have a boyfriend. Do not ask anything about my family life if you have the will to live, is that clear?" Everyone sits in stunned silence. I am too, shocked. A girl named Lyra raises her hand. 

"Who is your boyfriend?" Annabeth smiles. That smile changes her entire appearance. Her face relaxes and her eyes brighten. 

"He is actually in this classroom! Seaweed Brain, would ou kindly stand up?" Percy Jackson stands. The whole room breaks out into whispers. I clap my hands.

"Boys and Girls, listen to Annabeth." Another girl, Madeline, asks a question.

"How long have you known each other?" Percy answers this question.

"Since we were 12. But we started dating about a year ago. We have suffered some things together." Both Annabeth's and Percy's eyes dim. They are lost together in their memories. The bell rings. That was an eventful History lesson.

A/N Hey Guys! Thanks so much for reading! Please leave commenst for questions! I love you guys! Goodbye People of the Earth!

-Thalia <3

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