Stacie Part ll

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A/N Hey Guys! I know! *Everyone pelts me with stuff* I'M SORRY! This is part ll to the other Stacie chapter I did! Remember, this is for GraciaRio . All rights go to Rick Riordan!

Stacie's POV:

"Percy? We've got another one."

"Another what?" I ask, completely confused. Annabeth silences me with a look. I hear a deep voice on the other end of the phone. 

"Girl or boy? What cabin?" The voice, most likely this Percy, asks. 

"Girl," Annabeth answers looking me up and down. I squirm under those piercing grey eyes. "It's the dad so I say 11 or the slim chance of 3."

"Really?" Percy asks eagerly. Annabeth laughs a little. 

"Yes, now could you please get your butt and Mrs. O'Leary over here pronto?" No answer from the phone. I expect Annabeth to be as confused as I am, but she just sighs. We sit in silence for about a minute when a dark shadow descended upon us. I jump up, expecting an attack, but Annabeth remained calm, so I did too. The shadow disappears and a huge black dog with a black haired green eyed teenager on top of it. The boy jumps down and hugs Annabeth. She hugs him back quickly and then gestures to me. 

"Percy, this is Stacie. Stacie, this is Percy." I nod at him and he returns it with a warm smile that reminds me of the ocean. Annabeth waves frantically. 

"We've got to get out of here. Stacie, get on Mrs. O'Leary, we're leaving." I stand still. As much as I trust Annabeth, I'm not just skipping school to go some random place with her and a boy I met 10 seconds ago! Plus, I was just attacked with something straight off the pages of a Greek mythology book! I need answers! "Stacie! Come on!" Annabeth says, more urgently. 

"No," I say. They both turn to look at me. "No. I can't just leave school! Plus my mom would kill me!" Their eyes soften and look towards each other. I can see a conversation being had through glances and looks. They finally come to a conclusion. 

"How far away do you live Stacie?" Percy asks. 

"Two blocks, why?" I answer, confused. 

"Let's go," Annabeth says, hurrying towards the front door of the school. I look at Percy and he looks at me. Mrs. O'Leary licks him. 

"Sorry," Percy says, genuinely. "I know you must have a lot of questions, but right now just don't. Okay? We'll explain everything." I look into his deep green eyes and I nod. We hurry after Annabeth. All of the sudden a teacher pops up from around the corner. Annabeth pulls out a Yankee's baseball cap, puts it on and disappears! I stare wide-eyed and blink.

"Dam it," I hear Percy mutter under his breath. "Stacie, act sick." The teacher spots me. I quickly put on my best pale, sick face. 

"Hello ma'am!" Percy says, cheerfully. "Stacie here was feeling a little under the weather I was sent to take her home. I am her uncle by the way. Nice to meet you!" Percy takes the teachers arm and pumps it up and down. With that, he leaves her staring shocked while he pulls me around the corner. Annabeth reappears. I blink. 

"What the heck was that?" I demand. 

"Just keep walking," Annabeth demands. I think back to what Percy told me. No questions. So I just keep walking. I direct them to my house and we're there in no time. I ring the doorbell and my mom appears in the doorway. 

"Stacie, what are you-" She breaks off when she see's Percy, Annabeth, and Mrs. O'Leary. "No. Not yet." They nod a little sadly. "Is it really necessary?"

"She was attacked just now," Annabeth says. 

"In that case," my mom says, looking at me, tears glistening in her eyes. 

"Mom! No!" I say, running in for a hug, grasping what she is about to say yes to. "I'll see you again right?" My mom buries her face in my hair. 

"I don't know, my little Staciebug. I don't know. But this is important. You need to go with them." I hug her tightly. 

"I don't want to," I say, somehow believing I wouldn't have to if I didn't want to. 

"You have to. Remember stick close to buildings. Keep your phone in your pocket, don't talk to strangers. I love you." I nod, swallowing the lump in my throat. 

"Got it. Love you too." I turn around and walk slowly back to Percy and Annabeth. I climb onto Mrs. O'Leary like the others and take one more look at my mom. She's standing tall in her rumpled jeans and denim. Her long blond hair unpinned and loose blowing in the wind. Her bright brown eyes shining with tears... and we're off. I turn around, fighting my lip to fight off tears, but some still manage to fall. Annabeth gathers me in a hug and I close my eyes as we ascend into the dark. 

A/N DID YOU LIKE IT? Part lll here we come! Goodbye People of the Earth and Mount Olympus! AND THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 200! AHHHH! Let's get this story to 100K!

<3 Thalia

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