Nicola Parker Part ll

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A/N Hey Guys! Thanks so much for reading, voting and commenting! This is part ll for hiya2810 . All rights go to Rick Riordan!

Nicola Parker's POV: 

Hi again! Today is Percabeth's wedding! YAY! The best part? Percy and Annabeth asked me to be their photographer! The wedding is in two hours, so right now I am standing in front of the mirror in the Zeus cabin getting ready. I stare critically at my sky blue dress. I tug at the hem wishing it would come down lower. My black hair is curled and the front pieces are pulled back, secured with a diamond clip. My make up is simple. (A/N I know VERY LITTLE about makeup!) I have the slightest hint of mascara and a light dusting of pale blue eye shadow on my eyelids. With a swipe of lip gloss, my makeup is done. I steady myself with my hand against the wall while I step into low heels. One last look in the mirror and I am done. I grab my camera and sling it around my neck, pulling my hair out from under the strap. I walk down to the beach, where the wedding is. Poseidon has promised to keep the sea calm. I meet Piper and Jason (A/N HEHE PIPER!) on my way down. Piper is looking gorgeous in her rose pink dress. Jason has a tuxedo on. 

"Ready?" I ask with a nervous grin. Piper and Jason smile. 

"Ready," Piper says. 


At the wedding...

The room falls silent as the music starts. I look at the source and snap a picture of Will Solace, who is playing the piano. (A/N I had to look up the order of a wedding procedure!) First, the mother of the bride (A/N MOTB! Sorry, I'll stop now.) walks down the aisle. Athena, in an off white dress, floats down the aisle. Her face sirius and eyes looking straight ahead. I am sitting in the second row, right in the aisle seat. I snap picture after picture of Athena. I capture the quiet calm look, the sirius solemn silence. 

Next, the groomsmen. First, comes Frank. He is wearing a slightly small tuxedo and a nervous, yet excited grin. Then Leo comes in. Leo is bouncing around with a crazed wide smile. The pictures I get show his insane energy filling the room. Next Jason. His tuxedo is well fitting. His expression is much like Athena's. Solemn, proud. His bright blue eyes hold a gleam of dignity. Finally, Tyson. Tyson is wearing a tuxedo that is 10 times too small. His one eye is gleaming with pride that I capture. 

"My brother is getting married!" He announces, importantly. The audience titters.

Next, comes Grover. The best man. He is skittering nervously up the aisle. His goat legs hidden with the pants. His eyes hold hope and pride. All that is captured on the tiny screen. 

Then, Percy enters. The sea stops. The wind freezes. The only noise is my awkward camera clicking. Percy's jet black hair is combed for once and his sea green eyes are clear. At least for today, his eyes are cleared of their shattered look. He is striding down the aisle like he was born for this. His eyes hold hope, worry, but most of all love. He takes his place at the front of the aisle. 

The officiant is next. Whom is none other than my father, Zeus. I have a feeling Zeus forced Percabeth to do this. Zeus is walking down the aisle, making the sky crackle for effect. I see Percy sigh and roll his eyes. 

The bridesmaids are next. First is Hazel. Her gold eyes are sparkling and her cinnamon hair is pinned back into a bun. Then Piper. Her kaleidoscope eyes are dancing with joy. And she is basically floating down the aisle. Lastly, Thalia. Someone has evidently forced her into a dress because her expression is slightly grumpy. But she hasn't changed her hairstyle and her skirt comes up a bit to reveal black converse. 

The Maid is Aphrodite. Of course. She is obviously looking gorgeous and perfect as usual. She floats, literally, down the aisle. I have a feeling my pictures will look different for everyone. :)

Proceeding is the flower girl which is a little Athena girl named Lexi. She is very young for a claimed demigod, only 4. On the way up the aisle, she trips and falls. Her face begins to crumple before Hazel comes and picks her up. 

"It's okay Lexi," she comforts the little girl. "We're all friends here." Hazel walks with Lexi up the aisle. I make sure to capture this happy moment. 

Next is the ring bearer. Or ring bearers. The ring bearers are Annabeth's step brothers Bobby and Mathew. They each carry half the cushion. 

And finally, the bride and her father. Annabeth is radiant and glowing is her pure white dress. Her hair is twisted into an elegant bun topped with a delicate veil. As for her father, she has two with her. Chiron is on her left and her biological father, Fredrick on her right. And that was Percabeths wedding.

A/N DID YOU LIKE IT? It's so long! Goodbye People of the Earth and Mount Olympus and whereever you're from! 

<3 Thalia

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