Matt Sloan

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A/N HI FRIENDS! I can't believe that this story has 136 views! That is beyond amazing. As usual, all rights go to Rick Riordan. I don't own ANY of the characters, I wish I did though. Tear.

Percy's POV:

I walk hand in hand with Annabeth into the 7-Eleven on the corner of 84th street. We went over to the donut cabinet and picked out a donut. I picked out a festive holiday blue one, and Annabeth chooses a simple glazed one. We went to the back to grab some drinks. I grab a coke, and Annabeth prefers sparkling water. We go up to the cash register to pay when I catch sight of the pizza. 

"Annabeth?" I say, trying not to be too obvious.

"What?"  She says back, distracted by counting the money. 

"Did you know that you are the best girlfriend in the world?"

She turns to me and sighs. "What do you want Seaweed Brain?" 

"Well, ahh, I couldn't help but see the pizza over there-" Annabeth rolls her eyes.

"And one slice of pizza please." She holds out her hand for me. I sigh and crack open my wallet. I hand the money to the cashier and wait for the change. I look the cashier in the eye and gasp with recognization. Matt Sloan. The guy who bullied me and Tyson in 7th grade. Here now. I must have made a weird sound or something because Annabeth was staring at me like I was a fish out of water. 

"Percy?" Two voices said at once. One was Annabeth's, the other had to be Matt's. Annabeth whipped her head around. 

"Does Percy know you?" She asks suspiciously. 

"Annabeth," I interrupt. "This is Matt Sloan from 7th grade."

"So, it really is you! And this is Annabeth? I remember you had her picture." Matt stares at Annabeth, who draws herself up.

"Yes, I am Annabeth, and this is my boyfriend Percy, who I think you already know." Matt wilts at this sentence. Dude, could you be any less obvious? I pick up. 

"Hello Matt, goodbye Matt." I grab the change and head out the door. Annabeth and I were about to go for a picnic in Central Park.

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