Piper McLean

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A/N Sorry I have been so inactive. I have been busy with school and tests. ALSO! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 3.1K + VIEWS! All rights go to Rick Riordan!


I was pacing back and forth between the mast and ballistae, on the Argo II practicing my lines.

"Lower your weapons," I murmured. "We just want to talk." Annabeth shoots me a look. A small chill runs down my spine. I shudder. A cool breeze ripples across the deck. Annabeth is pacing, Leo is checking to make sure a random ballistae wasn't going to go off randomly. Coach Hedge was down in his cabin. And Jason. I sighed. He was standing at the bow. He was wearing a purple T-shirt and a toga. He looked calm, but Piper could see the worry creases in his forehead, his knuckles were white, clenching the hilt of his sword. The Argo II broke through the clouds. I glanced at Annabeth. Her face was a mask of calm, but being the daughter of Aphrodite, I could see the slight anticipation and worry in Annabeth's eyes. She swallowed. Another shiver ran down my vertebrae. The cold pressed closer and a faint laugh came with it. Something was wrong. My hand drifted towards my knife. All of the sudden a horn sounded. The Romans have spotted us.

My breath caught. The valley was twice as big as Camp Half-Blood. A river sided up the side and ended in a big, brilliant, blue lake. A huge, colorful city spreads across. The damages of the battle was obvious. There was a huge crack in a dome and everything was ransacked.


After a creepy statue made me drop my dagger, we were allowed to land. A crowd of demigods parted as Annabeth walked through. None were armed. But I noticed something else. Not everyone were in their teens. There were babies and elderlies. Are they all demigods? A girl with dark brown hair, wearing a purple cape and armor, broke through the crowd. Reyna. Jason described her well. I couldn't help but feel a tiny spark of jealousy. She carried herself with confidence. Her face was a mixture of worry, hopefulness, fear, and courage. She was a mirror of Annabeth. Annabeth and Reyna studied each other. Everyone murmured Jason's name. All of the sudden Annabeth stopped. A boy with black hair and sea green eyes appeared out of the crowd. Annabeth's face was a mask of pure joy. That must be Percy. I could sense that Annabeth was lovesick. They obviously loved each other.

"Jason Grace, my former colleague," Reyna hesitates on colleague. Another spark of jealousy shoots through me. "I welcome you home. And these, your friends-" Annabeth lurches forward. Percy moves at the same time. Everyone tenses. They grasp each other tightly, becoming one. They kissed. I sighed. Annabeth was the happiest I had ever seen her. Percy was relaxed and looked perfectly at home. He pulled away and studied her face.

"Gods, I never thought-" Annabeth grabs Percy's wrist and judo flips him. The crowd surges forward.

But Reyna shouts, "HOLD DOWN!"

"If you ever leave me again," Annabeth's eyes were swimming with tears. "I swear to all gods-" Percy had the nerve to laugh. Annabeth sighs and helps him up.

"Consider me warned. I missed you too." They smile and something melts inside of me. They are perfect. 

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