John Doe Part ll

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A/N Hey Guys! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE LEAVE MORE IDEAS IN THE COMMENTS! THALIA IS BEGGING YOU! PLEASE! Also, that you so much for 10.9K views! We got from 9.6K to 10.9K in a week! Thank you so much! All rights go to Rick Riordan!

John Doe's POV: 

It has been one year since I last saw Percy. One whole year. I never saw him again. For the next months at school, I was searching and scanning every hallway for some kind of sign that he was alive. Nothing. Nada. I had called his house multiple times, but every time it was the same. No sign. I was losing hope. For the rest of the year, I was bullied and picked on. No one stood up for me. Right after the school year ended my family moved to California for my dad's job. I lost touch with Percy's family and moved on. Some days at night I would lie awake wondering if Percy was home. 


The next day...

The plus side of living in a neighborhood with houses is the neighbors! They could have children I could hang out with! The downside is there were no people my age in our neighborhood. To the right of our house lived Mrs. Betonces a friendly elderly woman who owned cats. Lots of them. But she always invited you over for cookies! To the left lived the Chases. A married couple with boys in fourth grade. Bobby and Mathew. They were always having fun and playing together in the backyard. I sighed while looking wistfully out the window watching the boys shoot hoops. I watched them jump and play until they suddenly stopped. They stopped to stare at the front door. I followed their gaze. A beautiful young woman with blonde hair and grey eyes was standing there. Bobby and Mathew rushed towards her with an expression of uttermost delight. 

"Annabeth! You're here! You're alive!" That struck me as odd. Why wouldn't she be alive? I watched as they lead Annabeth into the house. 


Two months after Annabeth arrived...

Annabeth and I were best friends. I was not interested in her as a love interest, but mainly as a friend. A companion. We obsessed over geeky things and fangirled/fanboyed. I learned that she was Bobby and Mathew's step sister and over the summer was in Greece, doing an integrated learning project. When I asked about the project her expression turned guarded and she changed the subject immediately. One day in October she came to talk to me.

"Hey John," I noticed immediately that Annabeth's face seemed less cheerful and her eyes seemed much more prominent. When Annabeth's expression darkened, you could see the fragile look in her eyes. Like she had been through something traumatic. 

"Hey, Annabeth! What's up?" 

"The ceiling," She smiled. "I have something important to tell you."

"What is it?"

"I am moving back to New York." No. Was the first thing my brain said. No. 

"What?" I said back, fighting to keep my voice steady. 

"I'm very sorry," Annabeth's voice turned sympathetic. "Let me explain." I looked at her, hot tears blurring my vision, the lump in my throat preventing me from talking. This was like Percy all over again. I nodded. 

"When I was in Greece something traumatic happened to me and my boyfriend. I don't like to talk about, so please don't ask. Anyway, something happened and I get nightmares and flashbacks every night because of it. The only thing that really helps me is my boyfriend. He is the only one that understands. I have to move to New York to be with him and his family. I am going to be transferring to Goode High School." I look up, stunned. 

"I used to go to that school you know." My voice trembling. 

"Really? When?" Annabeth asked looking curious. "My boyfriend went there and is now also. Perhaps you knew him!"

"I ended last school year there. What is your boyfriend's name?" 

"Percy. Percy Jackson." The world turned. WHAT? This was not happening! My two best friends were DATING?

"John! John! Are you okay?" Annabeth was waving her hand in front of my face, looking anxious. I took a deep calming breath. 

"Was Percy by chance, ever kidnapped or has gone missing?" Annabeth sat back on her heels looking stunned. 

"Yes, he was. The traumatic event that happened was because of that actually." I connected the dots. Everything made sense!

"Percy was the best friend I ever had, besides you. He stood up to bullies for me and we played video games and one day his mom told me he had gone missing. I... I..." I stuttered to a stop. 

"It's alright John. I get it. Percy is fine now. Here. I'll give you his home phone number so you can talk to him, okay?" I nodded. "And John? I am really sorry about leaving." 

"But your family!? How could you just leave them!?" I wasn't going to give in without a fight. Annabeth drew in a lung full of air. 

"My family and I don't have the best relationship. My father made me run away when I was just seven. Sally and Paul, Percy's parents, take much better care of me than my dad ever did." 

"What about your mom?"

"She left me. On my father's doorstep in a golden cradle when I was a baby. No joke." I smiled at the thought of Annabeth in a cradle. And I knew, even though all my friends were gone, life would go on. 

OMGS! 930 words Guys! Wow! Goodbye People of the Earth and Mount Olympus!

<3 Thalia

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