Alli Ranch

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A/N Hey Guys! This chapter is about ranchishalli ! YAY! This takes place a couple months after the Titan War! All rights go to Rick Riordan! 

Alli Ranch POV: 

Hi. My name is Alli Ranch. I have dark brown hair and large blue eyes. I am a demigod. I am a recently claimed one, actually. I am the daughter of Hades. Yes, the god of the death. I got claimed two days ago. Apparently, a war had just finished a couple months ago and the camp was adding new cabins for a lot of different gods and goddesses. I liked it here, it was fun. I missed my mom a ton, but I would get to see her during the school year, assuming I don't die before then. There were two main rules here. 1. Don't kill anyone, but monsters and 2. Do NOT break up Percabeth! Percabeth is the ship name for the two most worshiped demigods, Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase. They were the one's who stopped the Titan Kronos. Percy has jet black hair and sea green eyes. I guess the sea green makes sense because he is a son of Poseidon. He is pretty handsome. Annabeth has curly blonde hair and intelligent grey eyes, but are stormy if you get her mad. She is a daughter of Athena. They both have matching grey strips of grey hair. The other campers say it is from holding up the sky. Literally. Even though I have only been here for a couple of days I can tell this. Their love for each other is mutual and obvious. They can anticipate each other's moves perfectly, and gaze at the other so fondly, you can't help but fangirl. Right now I am going to bed in the Hades cabin, which looks awful. The bed is a dark wood, mahogany, (A/N HUNGER GAMES REFERENCE! "THAT WAS MAHOGANY!" -Effie Trinket) and blood red sheets. Children of Hades are not vampires!


The next morning...

I awake to a scream. Which isn't good. One of the first things you learn, after you learn you are a demigod, is screams aren't good. The scream was coming from the Poseidon cabin. I jump out of bed, and still in my pajamas race outside. The entire camp is pouring out of their cabins. Everyone presses together, trying to fight their way towards the scream. A loud voice overrides everyone.

"QUIET! HOLD STILL!" It is Chiron. The centaur, the head of the camp. The gaggle of demigods respectfully parts for him. As soon as he passes everyone goes back to pushing and shoving. I somehow end up right in front. I see Annabeth. Tears streaming down her face, staring at the door of the Poseidon cabin.

"Annabeth," I hear Chiron ask in a quiet, fatherly voice. "What is it?" The crowd falls silent, hanging on to every word.

"Percy's not here!" I entire camp gasps. A sound of shock floats through the entire camp. The shock flits on Chiron's face.

"What do you mean, not here?"

"Not in his bed, not in camp! I have been searching for hours! We have to find him! We have to order a quest! NOW!" Annabeth's voice has reached hysteria. The entire camp gasps again.

"Okay! Campers! We have a mission! Annabeth is going to lead the search to find Percy! Who is going to go?" I feel everyone pushing to get to the front.

"I'll go," a masculine voice rings. It is Butch, son of Iris. He is great on a pegasus. Annabeth smiles gratefully.

"I'll go too," It's Grover. Percy's best friend. The satyr. Poor Grover. He just lost his best friend. I zone out when Chiron starts to explain the quest. I see a huddle of Aphrodite girls crying. They have to find him, I think. "They have to.

Goodbye People of the Earth!

<3 Thalia

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