Ash Castellan

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A/N Yep, I am updating! This chapter is for AshCastellan . Most of the characters belong to Rick Riordan. Hope y'all enjoy!

Ash's POV:

Hi! I'm Ash and I'm 16 years old. I'm the daughter of Hermes and 6'1. Yep, I pretty tall. I've been at camp for almost a month now and- Oh gods! Sorry, I have to go! I'm going to be late for my History of the Titan War class! 

"-and then Luke sacrificed himself. Some people are convinced he's a hero, but I myself believe him to be evil." Alesandro, son of Athena, finishes. I, along with the rest of class, sit in silence. Who would think Luke was evil? I wondered. He sacrificed himself to get rid of Kronos. 


After the class...

I walk out of the room, still thinking about how Luke. "Hey, Ash! Why the serious face?" I turn around and Travis, my half-brother, staring at me with that mischevious twinkle all Hermes kids, including me, have in their eyes. I brush my long brown hair out of my face.

"Oh, nothing much. Just about Luke Castellan." Travis's face loses that mischevious look. "You knew him right? You fought in the Titan War." 

"I did know him. Or rather, I thought I did."

"Do you think he was evil?" I ask, hesitantly. 

"I don't normally talk bad about Hermes kids, that's normally saved for Ares kids, but I do consider him evil. He lied and put the entire camp in danger, multiple times. He pretended to be our friend and then stabbed us in the back. The only thing that saved us was Annabeth, Percy, and Grover."

"But he sacrificed himself and made everything right again in the end!" I say. "Doesn't that make a difference?" 

"Ash, it's hard to explain unless you were there. I suggest talking to Percy and Annabeth about this. They can explain it much better than I can. Now if you will excuse me, I have Mythology..." I nod and continue walking. Along the way to Sword Fighting, I ask multiple people about Luke and if they consider him evil. Some people hate him, some people don't, but they all end the same way. 

"I do consider Luke evil."

When I bring up the point of his sacrifice, they say to ask Percy and Annabeth. So what do I do, I go to Percy and Annabeth. I find them walking to the Poseidon cabin. 

"Hi," I approach them. "My name is Ash, can I ask you something?" 

"Sure Ash," Annabeth says, smiling. 

"Should we find somewhere to sit?" Percy asks. When Percy says that, I look up at him and gasp a little. His eyes are a really pretty shade of green. 

"Um," I say forcing my eyes off of Percy's. "Yeah, let's go to the Pavillion." Percy and Annabeth lead the way hand in hand and I find myself just the slightest bit jealous of Annabeth. It's obvious they're in love, but I find myself crushing on Percy, just a little bit. We sit down and I ask them. 

"Do you think Luke was evil?" Annabeth's smile disappears and I can see more clearly than ever, a shattered look within their eyes. 

"Luke Castellan is-" Annabeth stops herself. 

"Luke Castellan was a hero," Percy finishes for her.

"He died for us," Annabeth adds on. "Ash, I can tell you're smart. Everyone is going to be saying he is- Was evil. No one else, besides Grover, was there when he died. It's different being there. No one can say exactly what happened, besides us." I nod. 

"HEY PERCY! WHAT'S UP, MAN?" A Latino boy, on the dwarfish side, comes waltzing up to the table.

"Oh um, hi Leo," Percy says, breaking the serious mood.

"HI!" Leo says to me. "What's your name?" I look right into his eyes and can already feel myself getting over Percy.

"My name is Ash. Daughter of Hermes."

A/N Did y'all like it? Please vote if you did! QOTD: Who are some of your favorite YouTubers? I have a LOT including, Bratayley, Cole & Sav, Alisha Marie, Carissa Nunez, Liza Koshy, Sofie Dossi, Tate McRae, a bunch of the Dance Moms girls (Maddie, Mackenzie, Chloe, Lilly, Ellie), Brizzy Voices, Tessa Netting, The Bakeey, Whitney P, and many more! That was way more than I thought I was going to list. Wow okay. Anyway hope you enjoyed! Goodbye People of the Earth and Mount Olympus!

<3 Thalia

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