◇The Hybrid◆

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"come on Lawyla! we'wre gonna to be wate for schoowol!" My brother jumps on my bed.

I groan when his foot connects with my stomach.

when he sees my face, he immediately stops jumping and kneels by my side. "i'm so sowwy Lawyla! i didn't mean to" he has tears streaming down his cheeks.

I cup his cheeks with my hands. "it's okay conner. you didn't mean to. i'm fine"

he smiles and wipes away his tears with the sleeve of his red pajama shirt.

I throw my covers off me and slip out of my warm bed, running to my dresser and get a pair of fuzzy socks that my cousin got me for christmas. I quickly slip them on my feet and walk back over to my bed. my feet not exposed to the cold hardwood floor anymore.

I pick conner up and spin him around. he's such a light weight I almost drop him a few times because I forget i'm holding him.

I walk downstairs, with conner stradling my side and his arms wrapped around my neck.

I set him down at the dining room table and walk over to the fridge. "what would you like for breakfast munchkin?" I ask.

"pop tawrts!" he said excitedly, jumping up and down in his seat.

I laugh and grab the orange juice out of the fridge. "pop tarts it is" I say, walking over to the pantry.

I open the double doors to our humoungous pantry and walk inside. It's almost as big as my closet in here. Looking at the shelf where we store our pop tarts and going over the various flavors my dad picked out for us yesterday on his run to the market.

"strawberry, blueberry, rasberry, appel strudel or vanilla" I say loudly so he can hear his options.

"stwabewwy!" he shouts.

I grab the box of frosted strawberry pop tarts and the apple strudel, my favorite.

I close the pantry door and go to the counter with the toaster. we have a four slot toaster, but me and conner will only eat one for each of us.

I pop them in the toaster and grab two glasses from the cubboard, filling them half way with orage juice while I wait for the pop tarts to heat up. I set both glasses on the table; one in front of conner and the other in front of where I will be sitting.

When I hear the pop tarts jump up from the toaster. I grab two napkins off the table and set a strawberry in one, and an apple strudel in the other. I put the remaining two pop tarts on a plate for my dad to eat later.

I give conner his napkin and he happily eats his strawberry poptart, occasionally sipping his orange juice with delight. I do the same, and when we're done we go back upstairs and separate into our rooms.

I go to my closet and grab a black spagetti strap tank top, a grey cardigan, ripped light wash jeans and my brown knit infinity scarf.

I take my pajamas off and put on the clothes I picked out for today. I replace my fuzzy socks for long white socks that reach just above my brown mid calf combat boots.

I slide my brush through my hair and then put it up in a cute messy bun, leaving my side bangs stray on my forehead. I go to my bathroom to brush my teeth, then apply some light make up.

Walking back out to my room I pick up my over-the-shoulder brown book bag and easily sling it over my shoulder, grabbing my light brown aviator glasses and setting them in the pocket on the inside of my bag. I pick up my samsung galaxy s4 and slide it in my back pocket; the phone beinf twice the size of my pocket.

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