chapter 2

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"open up your books to page 370. the answers to the questions will be on that chapter. you will only need to go to page 377. the book articles will only asnwer up to question twenty. the last thiry questions will be in your notes from yesterday. once everone is done with their notes we will get straight to the video and you will take a minimum of twenty notes. you only have one class period and we must get to the video, so if you do not finish in half an hour then you will only get graded for the questions you have done. and sinse you this is AP history, i expect you all to be done. if you are not three-fourths of the way done in half an hour then you will get an automatic F. do we understand each other?" Mr. Stvenson says.

everyone in the class nods. "then get to work" he says and everyone jolts to work.

you can hear all the hard book covers slam against the desk from everyone opening their books. 


i am already done with the first twenty questions when i hear people asking for help on number five. i mentally laugh at them for being so stupid, but i keep my focus on my notes. 

i get the next thirty questions done pretty fast, sinse i write so many notes i have everything i needed. i walk up to Mr. Stevenson's desk. proud of myselffor being the first done. 

i reach my hand out to place my papers on his desk when someone shoves their paper down before mine has a chance to touch his white desk. 

i scoff and look up at whoever shoved their paper before mine, and find those sparkling brown eyes. i groan and look away from him. "Layla, Derek. nice job" Mr. Stevenson smiles at us.

i politely smile back and walk back to my seat. Derek wraps his hand around my wrist again and pulls me to him. "i like intelligent girls" he smirks.

"leave me alone"

"i can't"

"and why not?" i shake out of his grip and cross my arms on my chest.

his eyes travel with my arms. my arms are squishing my boobs. he licks his lips and looks at them with hunger.

"excuse me? but my eyes are up here" i say.

he nods and smirks. "oh, baby. i'm perfectly aware of where your beautiful green eyes are" he says.

i shake my head and turn around. i feel him reach out to grab my wrist, and i smile at myself for keeping my arms crossed. .. but i also mentally slap myself for where he grabs next. 

he reaches around me and grabs my arm, but grabs my boob in the process. i gasp and turn around to slap him but Derek's voice stops me. "Mr. Stevenson, is it okay if i talk to my ma- i mean Layla outside for a minute?" 

Mr. Stevenson looks at Derek, then back at me, then back at Derek. "if it will cause a problem in here, then yes you may. just get back in here before the video starts" 

my eyes widen and Derek smirks. "yes sir" he says.

the video wasn't going to start for another twenty minutes! who knows what he can do to me in that given time!

he drags me outside, making sure to shut the door behind us. he slams me into the lockers again. i groan from the pain and he smirks. "did that hurt princess? is little baby wolf a weakling just as i suspected? you know just becasue your dad is the feircest warrior out of all the wolves out there doesn't mean you are tough too. you should've trained with us so you at least wouldn't be in pain from this"

"from wha-" he cuts me off by bringing my body off the lockers, then slamming me back into them. 

i gasp in terror of what he is planning on doing next. "you know, if you had more meat on those scrawny  little bones it wouldn't hurt that much either. you just need to train. cause when you don't train rogues can come after you and kill you as easy as it is to snap a twig"

what is he talking about? little baby wolf? feircest warrior wolf? rogues? 

"today, after your last class i'm taking you to the pack house and you are going to train with me. i will not have my luna be deffensless! and i certainly will not let you get killed by a rogue" he says vicously. 

luna? his luna? why would rogues want to kill me? and what the hell are rogues!?

he brings his face closer to mie, i squeeze my eyes shut and my entire body tenses. 

"i can't have you be deffenseless" he says in my ear. 

"i'm not!" i say and i push his body off mine. i pushed him so fiercly he fell to the floor and his entire body slid down the hall. 

i could feel something happening to me. whenever someone made me really scared, i would get really mad and i would feel something happening to my body. mostly my eyes. 

once, my dad whitnessed it happening because he worked me so hard when we were training one day. i got mad when he wouldn't let me take a break and i felt this happening to my body, he looked so freightened. he told me to calm down and he showed me a method. when my dad helped me keep my anger in check, i haven't had this problem with my body. it has been a year sinse i last got this angry.

i felt like i was transforming into something evil everytime this happened, and i hate it. 

Derek looked at me with complete fear in his eyes. he slowly got off the floor and walked over to me with complete caution. 

"get away from me!" i screamed.

"Layla, calm down. i can help. please, just calm down" he says soothingly. 

i shake my head furiously. 

"please, Layla" he begs. 

he walks closer to me and i growl at him. 

wait.. did i just growl at him!? 

he came closer and wrapped his arms around me. i tried pushing away from him, but he fought me. he put his hand on the back of my head and pushed my head down into the crook of his neck. "breathe in my scent" he commands.

"what?" i ask.

"breathe in my scent. it'll calm your wolf" he says.

i do what he says. i take a big whiff of his 'scent' and i immediately calm down. he smells like lemon and cologne. 

i wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer, not able to get enough of his 'scent'. 

he laughs at my dessperation and pushed away from me. "don't flatter yourself. just because we were paired up to spend the rest of our lives together doesn't mean we have to enjoy it" and with that he walks back into the classroom.

leaving me speechless.

so many questions.. too many to comprehend. i need to talk to my father. now!

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