chapter 40

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okay, so little note here.. 

this story has almost gotten 15k reads!! and i'm so excited about it.. so tell you what.

every time this story reaches 10k more reads, i will make the chapter suuupppeeerrr looonnnnnnnnnggggggggg!!!!!!!!!! i did my best for when it reached 10k.  but once it reaches 20k, i will promise to make it extra long, like 5,00 words or whatever. cause i did just over 3,00 words or somthing for 10k so i'll do like a thousand more words everytime you guys reach my goal! mkay? love you all! thanks for reading!! and don't forget to vote/ comment! i read every single one of the comments and i love to hear what you guys think and i try to answer your questions.. but i will not be answering the questions that have the answers that will give it all away so, just a little heads up for that. and once again, thank you so much!! 

so if you want an extra long chapter.. read! reAD! READ!! invite your friends to read, introduce new people to this story, encourage your friends to read! please!! it means so much to me !! <33333333333 thank you !!!!!!! 

so anyways.. here's the chapter!! 


my laughs and screams were being faded out by all the screams from children on the bumper cars. derek purposely crashed his little car into mine several times, giving me the recoil, earning girlish screams from me. every time i ran into a little kid i appologized like a ninny but then started laughing again when someone ran into my car and we both laughed at each other's reactions to the recoil. 

i'm sure my screams could be heard from across the park. "stop screaming!" derek laughed, then ran into my car again and chuckled deeply. "then stop running into me!" i laughed and rammed my yellow car head on into the side of his red one. 

"oh i see how it is" he said then chased me around until we both ran into someone else.

we kept going around in circles carelessly, laughing our heads off and having a great time until the small colorful cars slowed to a stop. kids 'awwed' and threw mini tempertantrums that the ride was over. 

derek got out of his car and jogged over to me, holding his hand out and helping me out of the small chid sized car.. i don't even know how we fit in there. 

he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me out of the bumper cars arena and onto the grassy field. "where to next?" he asked, an actual real smile on his face. finding it amusing, i smiled back and answered with "can we go to one of the booths? i want to win a stuffed animal for conner" 

he nods and we walkk away from the blinking rainbow lights coming from the bumper cars and go to the nearest booth. "two games please" derek says to the man running the booth. 

"wonderful! two tickets then, one for you and one for the fine lady" he grinned. derek reached in his pocket and pulled out the two requested tickets, handing them to the skrawny, lean, leprocaun looking man. his ran his fingers in his red beard, scratching the dry skin before starting our game. 

me and derek picked up he darts and once we heard the carnival music from the booth start we began throwing the darts at the water filled balloons taped to a corkboard twn feet away from us. i leaned over the thick pink counter to get better results while derek took a few steps back, using a different technique. 

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