Ch3.Owl With News

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It had been several weeks since Teddy started a new term at Hogwarts. Harry sat at his desk for a good couple of minutes before the phone rang. "Harry big news!" Ron squealed down the line. "What? What is it? Is something wrong?" Harry panicked.
"No nothing bad, the complete opposite actually. I told Hermione to take a pregnancy test when we were waiting for you to come back from 9 3/4, because of the way she's been acting recently.And well she's pregnant.Pregnant Harry can you believe that!" Ron sounded so happy. "Thats amazing buddy, congrats! I wanna see scan photos soon ok. Send my love to 'mione and tell her congrats from me." Harry was just as excited as Ron was now."Harry, i've just had a fantastic idea. You can be the kid's godfather." Ron was now a little too excited and was planning out it's whole life. "I'm honoured Ron really, but can we talk about this another time, i'm a bit caught up in work." Harry lied, he had nothing to do but just sit at his desk all day. "Oh yeah sure, see you later then Harry."
"Bye Ron."


Harry began to doze off, what else could he have done. He began to dream of Teddy when he was five running around in the garden.
"Teddy be careful, i don't want you falling over." Harry warned. The boy's hair changed from a lagoon blue to a raven black just like Harry's. The infant came running over to him, "Harry you need to save me." The boy's voice sounded scared. "What's wrong Teddy? Save you from what?" Harry kneeled down, placing a hand on Teddy's right shoulder. "The poison Harry, you need to save me from the poison!" Teddy screamed as something in the darkness tried to drag him away."Teddy! No! What poison?" Harry shouted to him as the child was swept into complete murk.


Harry awoke with his nose bleeding onto his desk. "Teddy!"


Meanwhile Teddy sat in the library with his friend Petrus, he had a DADA exam coming up and needed to study. "Petrus, if I wanted to daze a victim
what-" before Teddy could finish his sentence Petrus blabbed the answer. "It's Anakatus!" He's a bit like Hermione, the smartest and he most definitely was not afraid of raising his hand in class. "Thanks mate." Teddy chirped happily. There was a tapping at one of the tall stained glass windows the two boys sat near. It was Harry's owl, teddy opened the window and took the parchment off the bird and began to read.

Unfortunately my nightmares have came back. I had an extremely horrific dream about you as a child. You said I needed to save you from 'the poison' I wasn't sure if you knew anything about this. Please reply, I need to know your ok.
Harry xx

Teddy grabbed a piece of parchment from the table and scribbled down his reply. He gave the owl the letter and quarter of a biscuit. He watched as the browny coloured owl flew into the fog blanketing the school towers.


Harry got home as quickly as he could. Ron said he'd left some scan photos at the door. Turns out Hermione was two and a half months pregnant. Harry picked up an envelope that had been covered in small raindrops and slid it open. There he found a black and white scan of a blured shape. He smiled widely and put his hand in his pocket to receive his phone. He texted Ron:
Just seen scan pics! Ron your gonna be a Dad! And Mione a Mum! So happy for you two! ;)

Ron had instantly text back:
I know, I told you :) I'm so bloody excited!

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