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Draco stepped into the empty, darkened hallway. "Hello? Anyone here?" Nothing. Draco was all alone, for an eternity he will be alone. He walked into his bedroom and threw himself on the kingsize bed. "Draco?" The blond jumped up to see who had just said his name. "Is that really you?" The feminine voice asked. "Mother? Mother!" Draco ran over to Narcissa. She wrapped her arms around him. "Oh my beautiful boy. I missed you dearly."
"It happened so fast, I-I tried to save you, but I was too late. They killed you. A-and I couldn't do anything to stop them." Draco cried. "There, there. You'll be fine, Dragon. Did they hurt you?" Narcissa stroked the younger Slytherin's hair. "Well not really, they found a new werewolf from the South, I was running from him for five or more years, but then I managed to kill him, luckily the ministry didn't find out. I was very close to being scratched. I settled down in a quiet area. A one bedroom flat. I lived there up until I saw Harry Potter At work, Oh I was a healer by the way. I helped him out. But it was my fault in the first place. See, I let father out of Azkaban and then he poisoned Teddy Lupin, son of Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Lupin. Also Harry's godson. We tried saving Teddy but he died and ended up in this realm. Harry and I lost contact so I went to go live with Ron and Hermione Weasley. Hermione was pregnant, she died of childbirth and ended up here too. Me and Ron looked after Rose, their daughter until we told Harry. I found a way to get them back. It worked. Except I didn't tell Harry I wouldn't be coming back with them. I took Teddy's place and father took Hermione's place. Father is going to hate me, I ended the Malfoy line. I ended our existence. All our money goes to Teddy, Harry, Ron, Hermione and Rose." Draco stared at his mother's beautiful smile. "I'm so proud of you Draco. Harry was very lucky to have you in his life."


"Harry what are you doing!? You won't be able to return. You have no blood relatives left! Only the muggles, don't do it Harry!" Hermione yelled as Harry stood potion in one hand and dagger in the other. "I have to save him."
"Accio!" Teddy howled, the dagger flew to his hand. He began making strange growling noises. Hermione noticed and tried calming him. She suddenly jumped back when Teddy's eyes changed into a wolf eye colour. His hair dark red with anger. "Help me!" He howled again. Harry rushed over to him, "The moon is rising, we need to get you out of here."


"Harry drive faster!"
"I'm going as fast as I can."


"Do you think they'll be okay without me mother?"
"I'm not sure."


"Harry please stop! I need to get out! I'm transforming!"
"Harry, he really needs to get out!"


"Knowing Harry I think they'll turn out fine."
"You think so Mother?"


"Harry stop the car!"


"I miss Harry. I hope he misses me."


"Teddy quick! Run as far away from here as possible!"
"I'm scared!"
"Teddy go!"


"Did I tell you I loved him Mother? We were in love and now I'm dead."


"Teddy, your going to have to be brave. Do it for me please, do it for Draco. Please just go, I'll keep an eye on you. Just go!"


"Wait, what day is it?"
"Thursday, why?"
"Full moon!"


"Harry, get back! He'll kill you! He doesn't know what he's doing!"


"Teddy's half werewolf! I need to get back, somehow."
"Draco there's no way."
"I have to try, for Harry and Teddy."


"Ron! Ted don't hurt him!"

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