Ch27.I Love You

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"Teddy!" A voice shouted. Both Pertus and the giant werewolf looked in the direction of the noise. "Draco, no don't!" The Slytherin pointed his wand at the wolf "I have to end this now." Tears streaming down his face. "We can't let him suffer anymore, it's unfair, for him and all of us." Petrus' heart skipped a beat. Clearly he heard Draco wrong, clearly he wasn't planning on killing Teddy. "Draco no! Don't you dare hurt him! It's not your decision, you snake." Draco stared at Petrus. "What can I say, I was a rich, spoiled brat who bullied Harry Potter because he wouldn't be my friend." Harry started to become conscious again. "I go by the name of Draco Lucius and I'm the Malfoy heir. I became a DeathEater out of cowardliness. I worked for Lord Volemort himself. I got the headmaster killed. I thought I was higher up than everyone else cause I'm pureblood...But I also saved Harry on many occasions, I killed myself so Teddy could live. I made Harry happy and he made me happy too. I'm sorry Petrus but I'm going to do it anyway, if it's my decision or not...Cause I'm a no good Slytherin that is in love with the boy-who-lived. Avada Kedavra!" Everything was in slow motion. The only thing Petrus could do would kill him. So he jumped in front of Teddy, taking the killing curse to the chest. His body dropped to the ground. Draco doubled over in pain. It was the peek of morning. The sun was rising. Teddy transformed from a ravaging beast to a young teenage boy. "Petrus?" His eyes sparkled with tears. Draco sat up, the pain had stopped. "Petrus, please." Teddy rushed to take his pulse but there was none. "You bastard! You killed him! You killed my only friend, how could you Draco? How could you be so cruel?" Draco's eyes went back to normal. It was over, Petrus and Draco were no longer connected. "I didn't mean to kill him, I swear." He defended. Harry sat up after feeling the sun on his face. "What's going on?" He looked to see Teddy muddy and hovering over Petrus's dead body. "Teddy? Petrus, is he?"
"Dead. Yes, Dead because of him." Teddy pointed at the blonde metres away. "Harry I didn't mean to, he jumped in front of Teddy, I-I had to end this." Harry's eyes widened. "You tried killing my Godson? After everything we've been through?"
"I want this over Harry."
"Then why haven't you left yet? I said you can go. You could have gone far away and started a new life, it's your fault this is happening now. Do you not think I wanted this over? Or Teddy or Ron or Hermione? None of us wanted this...You killed someone Draco and this time you can't blame Voldemort. You're going to go to Azkaban for this." Harry panicked, Draco messed up bad. "That's why you need to go now Draco. Leave England. Get as far away from here as you can. Don't you dare come back." Streams of tears ran down both men's faces. "I love you so much Draco, but you need to go now." Harry stood and walked over to Draco, the blonde stood as well. "I'm sorry Harry, please I'm sorry. Don't make me go." Harry cupped Draco's face in his hands and kissed him on the forehead. "Go now. Don't come back. I'd rather not see you again than see you rotting away in prison. Go." Draco stayed put. "Go Draco." He hesitated before apperating.

...That was the last time Harry James Potter ever saw Draco Lucius Malfoy ever again...

"Petrus is gone Harry. He's not coming back. He was my only friend, I loved him so much." Teddy cried holding Petrus' cold hand in his. "I don't want to be here, maybe he's where I was when I was dead. Please Harry, let me be with him." Harry's heart shattered. "Ted no. You can't leave me."
"Harry please. I don't want to be a werewolf, Petrus isn't here, I'll be alone at Hogwarts." Harry sat beside Teddy.
"Draco told me..." Teddy sniffed.
"Told you what?" Harry asked.
"He wanted to get married to you. Have a family with you. But now he can't because I was a threat. If I were around everyone would be in danger, your children would be in danger. He was doing what he thought was right. Petrus stopped him from doing that, resulting his death. This needs to end Harry, I don't want to hurt anyone. I want to be with him...End this." Harry hugged Teddy. "I can't."
"I'll do it then, just tell everyone I did it for the best. No one will be hurt by me now, okay?" Teddy sighed.
"Okay." Harry grieved.
"Harry Potter, you have been the best father I could have wished for, thank you."
"Your parents would have been proud of you. I'm proud of you Teddy. I love you."
"I love you too." Teddy took Harry's wand and placed it to his head. Before Teddy said the tremendous curse he smiled, and laughed slightly. "Avada Kadavra."
Teddy fell back in to Harry's arms. He held the teenager tightly. He gently kissed Teddy's head. His hair a pale shade of blue. Harry wished he stayed the boy in the cupboard under the stairs.

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