Ch5.I'm A What!?

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This explained alot.The urges, the appetite, the senses. There wasn't anything wrong with him. "I'm a what!?."
"Werewolf? For Merlin's sake it's not the end of the world." The man tutted and began to walk away. "Wait! Please! I need your help." Teddy screamed, and ran down the corridor towards the dark figure. "Please I need your help." He repeated. "And how am I supposed to help?" The wizard took long strides which Teddy could not keep up with unless he jogged.
"I'm not sure how you can help...So I'm a Metamorphmagus cross with a werewolf? Is that even possible?" Teddy bombarded the man. "Shouldn't you be somewhere boy?" He snapped.
"Who are you? If i may ask." The young wizard spoke."Let's just say I was not a friend of your parents. Now please go!"


"Ron, I thought you said you bought a highchair." Hermione whined, waddling down the stairs. "For merlin's sake, I bought the highchair but the lapcomputer thingy said it will be delivered by monday." Ron growled back. There was a loud knock at the door followed by a few more quieter ones. "I'll get it, you go and sit down 'mione, you need to rest." Ron instructed.


Harry stood huddled up against the door of Ron and Hermione's house. Fresh snow falling in his raven hair. The door suddenly swung open causing Harry to nose dive onto the wooden floor inside. "Bloody hell Harry, are you alright." Ron rushed to help Harry up. "Yeah thanks Ron, just dropping in." Harry joked in response. "Ron dear, is that Harry that's just come in?" The two men heard a sweet voice coming from the lounge. "Is that mrs Hermione Weasley I hear?" Harry smiled walking into the spotless room, where Hermione sat watching tv. "Harry, it's been too long." Hermione struggled to pull her self up from the leather sofa, but desperately wanted to give Harry the biggest hug. "Sorry 'mione, I've just been so busy lately." Mid hug Harry felt something against his stomach, he looked down to see a small bump where Hermione's stomach had been. "It kicked!" The mother squealed. Ron smiled widely. "That's the first." He grinned at Harry even brighter. "Thought of any names yet?" Harry questioned. "If it's a girl then Rose, we're not sure on the boy name yet." Hermione informed, waddling into the kitchen to make some tea.


Teddy walked into the boy's dormitory and into his room,where he found Petrus sitting on his bed reading a book. "Petrus, do you know that there is an old wizard lurking around the school?" Petrus marked his book and sat to look at him properly. "Yes Teddy, a professor, there's lots of them here." He spoke sarcastically slow. "No not a professor, someone else." Teddy hoped his friend would understand but nothing.
"He knows what I am."
"What do you mean 'he knows what I am' what are you?"
Teddy sat on the bed beside Petrus. "You already know I'm a Metamorphmagus...but I'm also something else." Petrus stared at him puzzled, "Your a cross breed type thing then?" He asked trying to make sence of it all. "You could call it that. I only found out today aswell, so don't have a go at me. I'm a Metamorphmagus and a...werewolf...and ofcourse a wizard, but mainly the first two." Teddy stood up and walked over to the window to give Petrus some space. A few minutes later Petrus started to pace around the room. "A Metamorphmagus and a werewolf? That's impossible. No way. How? Your lucky to be a Metamorphmagus let alone a cross between a Metamorphmagus and a werewolf." The young wizard muttered loudly. "It's not 'lucky' to be a werewolf...
it's... a curse."

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