Ch22.Your Love

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"Come on Teddy. The train is leaving! Why is it always us that is late?" Petrus shouted, running alongside The Hogwarts Express. "Petrus, wait up!" Teddy yelled. Everyone knew Petrus was the more athletic one. The train sped up, Petrus hopped on quickly. "Petrus wait!" Teddy stumbled behind, sprinting as fast as he could but the train wasn't slowing down. "Give me your hand! I'll catch you!" Petrus reached for Teddy's hand, failing the first time but succeeding the second. Teddy tumbled onto the blond boy's body. They stared at one another for a while. "I told you I'd catch you." Petrus smiled up at teddy. Suddenly they both turned their heads to see a tall man.

"Harry, would you mind getting out of my head please." Petrus growled. "Sorry, I didn't mean to intrude. Was that when you realised you loved him?" Harry gestured to Teddy, still fast asleep. Petrus grunted and turned away. Teddy's eyes fluttered open and to his surprise, he looked up and saw his best friend, looking down at him. "Petrus!" Teddy whooshed up, accidentally head butting Petrus. He shot back down holding his head. "Steady!" Petrus rubbed his head. "Ouch." They giggled. Teddy slowly sat up then gave Petrus a humungous hug. "I've missed you so much Pets." His hair changed to a pastel pink. "I've missed you too Ted. I think you almost gave Harry a heart attack though." Teddy turned around to see Harry sitting on the other side of him. "Oh Merlin's beard, I'm so sorry Harry. I couldn't control it."
"It's okay. It was your first transformation."


"Where are you!? Face me, you coward!" Draco roared. Just like that, a figure emerged from behind the door. Draco spun around. "How dare you." Lucius spat. "How dare you end the family line."
"Me? It's your doing! You killed Lupin's boy! I saved him, and now I'm dead! Sorry, dare I say it, Father, for being a good person!" Draco tightened his fists, nails digging into his skin. "I've come here to ask if you knew of some sort of way to get back. Mother said you-know-who taught you things."
"She was right. But why should I help you get back?" Lucius raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms. Draco looked at the ground. "Heirs. I'll give you heirs. I'll continue the Malfoy name. Just help me."
"Deal." Draco frowned. They shook hands, Lucius smiling grimly. A magical gold band wrapped around their hands then disappeared "Now help me."


"I sat up on the climbing frame. Hermione and Draco were arguing, Hermione was screaming and shouting, while Draco shouted back and scuffed up his shoes by kicking the ground. Oh and then after a while a hooded figure walked up to them, Death himself. I ran over to them as fast as I could. He was like a dementor, cold and depressing. Draco sacrificed himself for me." Petrus wrapped his arm around Teddy's shoulder. Harry stared at Petrus smiling like a crazy person. Petrus noticed the ridiculous grin on Harry's face and rolled his eyes. "He is very brave. I couldn't of asked for someone as beautiful and valiant as him. We're getting him back and I'm going to keep reminding myself that." Small streams fell down Harry's face. "We better be getting back."
"Yeah, I could do with a shower."
"I agree, you smell of hippogriff breath." Petrus laughed, pinching his nose.


"Harry, Teddy, thank Merlin your both okay." Hermione wrapped her arms around the pair as they walked in the door. "I am so sorry. Where's Ron? Is okay? I know I hurt him, but I didn't mean-"
"I'm fine mate. I healed up nicely." Ron stood beside Hermione. "Hello Alice." He laughed. Harry frowned but couldn't stop himself from grinning. "Still remember that, Mad Hatter?" Hermione an Teddy looked at one another, not understanding what was going on. They both shrugged it off and went upstairs. Hermione ran a hot bath while Teddy stripped down. He wrapped a towel around his slim waist and went into the bathroom. "Thanks 'Mione."
She kissed his head on the way out. "No problem."


"Father, tell me now. How? How do I get back?" Draco grabbed Lucius' arm, squeezing it. "Well Draco, I really did think you were smart enough to know, and it's ever so simple." "If it's 'so simple' tell me." He squeezed tighter. Lucius hit Draco's arm away. He smiled, a single word slipped out of his mouth. "Eye." Draco tilted his head in confusion. "Eye? What the bloody hell do you mean 'eye'?"
"It means you won't have two grey eyes, and you'll have to get another mark." Lucius gracefully placed himself in a chair. "Are you serious! That is all I have to do! Change my eyes or whatever and get another tattoo!?" Draco stormed over to the window, he looked out on the empty streets. "The mark is a small dagger on the collarbone that's all. The eyes on the other hand, you'll have to give up one of your eyes and in its place you will get a different eye, someone else's eye." Draco turned to face his father. "Someone else's eye?"
"You will be bonded with somebody, it's not dandy, oh Merlin by far. You'll feel what they feel, see what they see, they could be hit with sectumsempra and you'll start bleeding too. So for example if it were Blaise than you will have one of his eyes and he'll have one of yours."
"I'll take it. I guess this is goodbye Father." Lucius stood in front of Draco. "Just remember our deal, heirs."
"Y-yes Father, heirs."

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