Ch21.Just Like That

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"Ron! Teddy no!" The werewolf let out a deadly howl before dragging Ron into the darkness. "Harry!" He screamed, terrified and in pain. Harry chased after the huge beast, shouting Ron's name.


"Draco don't go. You can't get back, unless you..." Narcissa slapped her hand over her mouth, preventing herself from making matters worse. Draco turned around slowly, "unless I what Mother!?" He shouted. "If there is something your keeping from me, you need to tell me now! I love him and he loves me! And right now he needs me, Teddy needs me!" Narcissa whimpered, her pale lips trembling. "I can't tell you because I don't know, but your Father does, The Dark Lord taught him everything. Because I never bared the dark mark on my forearm, he never taught me. He was going to teach you Draco. You were next."


Harry stood metres away from the giant werewolf, clutching Ron's leg in his mouth. "Teddy let him go. Please, your father wouldn't of wanted you to behave like this. He would've wanted you to stay strong. Teddy, your father was a good man." Hearing Harry talk about Remus, made Teddy begin to calm down. He released Ron from his grasp. Ron attempted to get away but was too injured. "You need to run, let the wolf inside you free for a couple hours, then you can put him back in his cage." With his arm stretched out, Harry cautiously oozed closer to the almost lifeless body underneath the massive dog. "Listen to me Ted, you need to back away from Ron. I need to get to him." Teddy slowly backed away. His eyes not leaving Harry's until he was distant. "Oh Merlin's beard. Are you okay Ron?"
"Please can I have a cup of tea? Yes I know bad timing but I really fancy a cuppa." He smiled. Harry rolled his eyes. "Great now he's Mad Hatter."
"Hello Alice."
"Ron, wake up. Stop freaking me out."


"Oh Ron! What happened Harry!?" Hermione rushed over to help Harry set Ron on the sofa. "Why aren't you with Teddy!? Did he scratch Ron!? Ron did he scratch you!? Harry you need to go and keep an eye on him!" She panicked, grabbing a cloth and holding it tightly against the wound. "Hello Smiley cat." Ron stroked Hermione's shoulder. "He means he'll be fine if he just gets some rest." Harry butted in. "Why did he call me that? Harry what's wrong with him?"
"Call George, he'll have something for him. I'll be back in the morning." Harry walked out the front door. "Harry, wait!"
"Bye Alice!"


Teddy ran miles and miles, not stopping for anything or anyone.


It was almost noon and Harry still couldn't find Ted anywhere. He picked up a jacket that belonged to Teddy from the car and cast a searching spell. Instantly the jacket lit up and guided harry straight to him.


Harry ran until he found himself at a small cottage in a field. Outside Teddy lay with a blanket over his lower body. His head resting on the lap of a young, blond boy. he stroked Teddy's lagoon hair lovingly. Harry rushed over, wand in hand. "Hello, how may I-wait your Harry Potter, you must be here for Teddy. Don't worry he's fine, just needs a shower to clean off all the dirt. I'm Petrus by the way, Petrus LeoCor." He stretched his arm out to shake Harry's hand. "Your Teddy's best friend aren't you. Your the smart one." Harry shook his hand and knelt down on the other side of Teddy. "I'm the only one. We don't have anyone else, it's just us two." He smiled staring down at the sleeping boy. "So why aren't you at Hogwarts?"
"The professors sent me home because of...Teddy's departure. They said I can come back when I'm ready. I was going to go back next week, until last night when I found him. Is he really here, in my arms or am I dreaming?" Petrus' blue eyes glittered. Harry then realised. The pathetic smile, ear to ear. The rose red cheeks. His eyes, full of it, Petrus was in love. Harry couldn't help but snicker to himself. "What's wrong Mr.Potter?" Harry then burst into laughter, almost falling over. "Harry will do just fine, Petrus." He giggled uncontrollably. "What? Did I say something wrong?" Confusion filled his expression. "No, it's nothing you said." Harry calmed down. "I know that look on your face. I've seen it so many times."
"What? You know what face? You saw what face Harry?" Petrus began to worry. "No it's okay Petrus. It's not bad at all, it's really good."
"What is it then?"
"Love. Your in love. In love with Teddy. Am I wrong?" There was a very long silence. "How did you know?"

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