Ch14.Hermione Granger

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It had been 24 hours since the death of Teddy Lupin. The whole school knew of this tragic event. Unfortunately Petrus was the last to know, although he was the only one who actually knew Teddy. Harry hated himself, so he isolated himself in his house, shutting the world out, shutting Draco out with it. Draco drove himself mad, tring to find a possible way to get Teddy back. Ron and Hermione let Draco move in with them, for company, seems Harry wouldn't let anyone see him. "Nothing is going to be the same again, is it?"

Several months later

"Harry please! Unlock the door!" Draco shouted, hammering on it. "Alright, you asked for it Star! And just warning you, your going to need a new front door!" Draco stood back and pointed his wand. "Confringo!" He yelled and the door burst into flames. In less than a minute the door was nothing but a small pile of hot ash on the floor. Draco rushed in, searching for Harry. "Harry!? Harry where are you!?" The Gryffindor walked out from the kitchen and stood in front of draco. His hair a mess, his face unshaven, his what used to be bright, emerald eyes now a dull colour, strained from lack of sleep. "How did you get in?" Harry asked in a confused tone. "Star, you look awful. Have you had any sleep these past 4 months?" Draco said concerned. Harry walked past and sat on the couch. "Why are you here Malfoy?" Draco stared at Harry, shocked by his behaviour. "Excuse me, did you just call me Malfoy? Because I hope you didn't...Potter!" Harry turned around to face draco. "What do you want? Surely you have a reason." Harry groaned. Draco stood for a minute before sitting down beside Harry. "Just thought you'd better know. Hermione has given birth to a baby girl. Her name is Rose." There was a moment of silence before Harry looked over at Draco. Draco looked at Harry to see a huge smile on his face. His eyes bright emeralds again. "A baby girl!? That's fantastic!" Harry stops and looks himself in the mirror. "What have I done to myself? I look a mess." He said as he fiddled with his hair. "I'm going for a shower. Tell Ron and Hermione that Rose's uncle Harry is going to be paying a visit shortly!" Harry squealed with excitement. Draco grabbed the phone in the kitchen and rang Ron. "Ron it worked! Your little bundle of joy cured Harry, well for now that is. I promised him I'd get Teddy back."
"That's great news mate. But how are you going to get Teddy back, you still don't know how. Just come home and we'll talk then."
"I'll think of a way, trust me. Oh and before you go, Harry told me to tell you he said 'tell Ron that Rose's uncle Harry is going to be paying a visit shortly.'" The two started roaring with laughter.


Ron opened the door to meet Harry and Draco. "Harry!" Ron screamed pouncing at him. "Hi Ron, I-I can't beathe!" Ron let go and greeted Draco aswell. The 3 walked into the lounge where Rose was sleeping in the cradle. Harry sped over to the cradle looking in on Rose. Her skin pale like Hermione's and her hair red like Ron's. "She has her mother's eyes." Ron whispered loud enough for the two other men to hear. Draco steps over to Ron and gives him a pitied look. Ron frowned sadly. Harry turned to face Ron and Draco, his smile fading from his face "where's Hermione?" Harry wandered over to the stairs. "Hermione!?" He shouted up. "Hermi-"
"Harry she's not here." Ron snarled. A beat.
"Wh- well where is she?" Another beat.
"Is she at work? Did she get hurt? What Ron, is she okay?"
"Hermione is dead Harry! She died of childbirth. She died and you weren't here. Everyone apart from you was there for her...even Malfoy." Ron smiled at Draco. "He has been there for me. He has helped me while you've isolated yourself in your own home for months on end. Where the bloody hell were you Harry? I needed you so much. You're my best friend." Ron was brave for saying those things aloud. He would have never said them if Harry was there for him. Draco hugged Ron while he softly cried out his pain. "It's ok Ron. If I can get Teddy back, I will definitely get Hermione back for you and Rose, you know that."
"Thanks Draco." Ron sniffed. They both watched as Harry fell to his knees. "I am so sorry Ron. I am so sorry I wasn't there. I am so, so sorry." Harry's face coated in tears. "I let her down, like I let Teddy down, like I let everyone down. Dumbledore, sirius, Remus, Tonks, Fred, Cedric, Snape, Moody, Hedwig, Dobby, Colin-"
"Stop that right now Harry! You didn't let them down? You made them proud. They didn't die because of you, they died for you. You gotta be something important if that many people sacrificed themselves." Ron cheered. "Hermione died, but she saved Rose. She sacraficed herself like many other people have done." Draco smirked. Ron pulled Harry to his feet. "And that's why the 3 of us are g-" Ron is rudely interrupted but the loud crys of Rose. Draco rolls his eyes and goes into the kitchen. "Every bloody time Rose! Everytime Daddy's having a moment you go and ruin it with your crying." Ron complained, bouncing Rose up and down in his arms. Draco walked out with a bottle of milk. "Thanks." Ron took the bottle and started feeding it to Rose. "H-how old is Rose?" Harry asked. "3 1/2 months. Why?" Draco answered. "You two have been side by side, looking after Rose for 3 1/2 months, without telling me that she had been born and that...her mother is...dead."
"We were going to tell you sooner."
"For 3 1/2 bloody months Ron! I assumed the baby was late and that Hermione was bloody alive! Why didn't you tell me before. Hermione was my best friend. She stayed with me when you disappeared. She was my best friend Ron! And you didn't tell me she was dead!" Harry then went out the door and apperated home. "What do we do now Draco?" Ron asked standing next to him. Draco took Rose and held her in his arms, rocking her gently. "I don't know Ron, but we are going to see Hermione and Teddy again... and that's a promise."

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