Ch23.Apple Of My Eye

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Teddy lay in his bed the night after the full moon. He was exhausted but he couldn't sleep. All he could think about was waking up to see his best friend holding him tightly in his arms, it seemed protective, like he didn't want anyone near Teddy. Even if it was just Harry. The bed creaked a little as Teddy sat up. He picked up his wand from the bedside table. "Lumos." He whispered, the end of the wand lit up a bright white. 'I gotta go see him.' He thought to himself. Carefully he put on his shoes and climbed out the window.


"Petrus open up! I need to see you!" Teddy hammered on the door with his fists. The door opened slowly. "Teddy someone came back from the dead." Petrus emerged from behind the big wooden door, holding his hand over one of his eyes. "What do you mean? What's wrong with your eye." Teddy stepped closer towards Petrus. "It's not my eye." He pulled his hand away to show a bright grey eye instead of his blue eye. "What in Merlin's beard. Why have you got a grey eye? How do you know someone came back from the dead? Are you okay Pets? Are you hurt?" He wrapped his arms tightly around Petrus. "There's a man past out on the sofa, a DeathEater by the looks of the mark on his forearm, lots of scars over it though." Petrus pushed away. "No. He can't be." Teddy followed Petrus to the unconscious body lying on the sofa... Draco.


"I'm coming Rose, Mummy's coming." Hermione sung as she rushed over to Rose's room. "Teddy can you go get a bottle?" Nothing, Rose was becoming more inpatient by the second. "It's okay Rose, I'll be there in a minute. Teddy?" Hermione lightly knocked on his door before stepping in. His bed empty and his window wide open. She stumbled back. "Harry!" Harry, followed by Ron, raced in. He bolted over to the open window while Ron tried calming Rose. "H-he's gone, again. H-Harry, say something." Hermione wept bitter tears. "Aren't you worried? Harry?" Hermione stood by Harry's side. "He should be fine." Harry smiled. "What makes you so sure?" Ron's expression puzzled. "He's half werewolf. He's gone to find his mate, and I know who it is. I'll be back with him soon."


"Alive! Merlin he's alive!" Teddy skid to Draco's side, holding Draco's hand in his two hands. "Petrus, we need to get Harry here now." Petrus ran over to the flu, a green flame roared from the fireplace and he was gone. "Please wake up Draco, Harry is on his way. I mean your our family, we need you. I want you and Harry to stay together, forever. You could get married and have children. I like the name scorpius but you can chose something else if you want. I had my first transformation into a werewolf, it was scary though. I've missed you."


"I've missed you." A very familiar voice said. 'Where am I? Am I back? Did it work?' Draco flickered his eyes open. A boy with freckles, bright green eyes and pastel blue hair hovered over him. "Teddy!?"
"Draco!" The two bear hugged on the sofa, both madly crying. "Harry will be here soon Draco." Teddy sobbed into Draco's shirt. "Teddy I've missed you so much. Every second I thought about getting back to you and Harry. Every minute I plotted ways to get back."
"How did you do it? Why do you have Petrus' eye?"
"It's a long story in which I'm waiting for the right time to tell, okay?" Draco looked deeply into Teddy's eyes. "Okay."


Petrus landed in Ron and Hermione's fireplace. "Harry!? Harry come quick!" He called. Ron ran downstairs and into the lounge where Petrus stood. "Who are you? And how do you know Harry?" He drew his wand from his pocket. Petrus put up his hands. "Please I mean no harm. teddy is my best friend." Ron noticed Petrus' bi-eyes. "Are you meant to have two colour eyes?" He stepped closer, lowering his wand ever so slightly. "No, you see that's why I'm here. It's Draco Malfoy's eye. It's a lot less weird than it just sounded. I promise you." Ron immediately aimed his wand directly at Petrus again. "He's dead." He swallowed hard, fighting back the acid tears building in his eyes. "Not anymore. Teddy is with him as we speak. Please where is Harry?"
"He's just left to go find teddy." Ron's eyes widened. He covered his mouth with his hand. "Oh no. He doesn't know. He's going to have a heart attack! Let's go now!"

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