Ch15.You Were Hurt

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"I found it! Ron! I found it!" Draco fell down the stairs. "What? Wait what!? Found what!? Draco what!?" Ron said worried. Draco just stared at him then gave him a huge hug. "Draco what is it? What did you find?" Ron asked, still with a confused and worried look. "Your going to get your wife back and I'm going to get Teddy back!" He smiled. Ron's face went more red than his hair. "Come here you amazing pure!" Ron grabbed Draco's head in his hands and kissed his forehead, in the most friendliest of ways. "Ron, your pureblood too."
"You think I didn't already know that. My dad loves muggle stuff, but he ain't one that's for sure."


They both sat on the sofa. Rose lying asleep on Ron's chest. "Thanks mate, for everything you've done for me and Rose. I don't think I could've done it without you." They both smile at each other then at Rose. "I know you wouldn't of done the same for me, but that's okay, I know why."
"Your probably right Draco. But we're even now, I'd definitely help you. Hey, we should probably go tell Harry now instead of in 3 1/2 months time that we're going to get Teddy and Hermione back."
"Sounds like a plan. I'll get the car seat for Rose."
"Guess I'll go get the car."


"Harry! Harry! I found it! Please answer, this is important! I found it, we're getting them back!" Draco yelled, hammering on Harry's new front door. "We're getting Teddy and Hermione back mate!" Ron shouted. There was a minute silent, then the two heard a loud crash then a thud, a moment later Harry popped his head out from behind the door. "You figured it out? You can get my friends back? If this is a joke, I don't want to ever see you again." He questioned in a very blunt tone. "Star, why would we joke about being able to get back Ron's wife and your godson?" Draco frowned trying to open the door a little more but Harry held it to his chest tighter. "He's more of a son to me." He added. Ron smiled at the statement. "More of a reason not to joke about it Harry. Please, can we talk about this inside, We can't really leave Rose in the car on her own." Ron explained, Harry gave in and opened the door wide enough for them to get in.


Ron stood in front of the fireplace while Harry and Draco sat on the sofa. Draco held Rose in his arms, feeding her another bottle of milk. "You two seem really close." Harry broke the silence. Ron turned to face him. "Yeah. Guess you could say something like that. Rose brought us together, well not together together, but as friends. I never knew how much Draco loved kids. Before I didn't even trust him making me coffee in the morning just in case he poisoned it." Harry winced at the word 'poisoned'. Ron noticed. "Sorry mate, anyway now I can trust him with my daughter's life. Merlin knows what would of happened if he wasn't there." Harry nodded and looked at the small baby in Draco's arms. "May I hold her?" He asked, Draco looked to Ron, Ron approved and Draco handed Rose to Harry. "So how are we getting them back? Is it going to be dangerous?" Harry's face covered in worry. Draco and Ron laughed. "Harry, yes of course it will be dangerous, but everything else we do is twice as dangerous. Draco explained the plan to me and although it sounds impossible, I know we can do it." Harry smiled. Rose tossed and turned in Harry's arms but soon stopped once finding a comfortable position. "Draco can stay here the night to explain the plan to me, we also have some catching up to do." Draco bushed but he knew Harry meant for him to. "Only if that's okay with you Ron." Harry smiled, begging Ron with his bright green eyes. "Yeah, sure. I guess I can make it one night without a nanny helping me look after Rose." Ron teased. Draco fake smiled and quickly cast 'crinus muto' on Ron, causing his hair to turn green with silver highlights. Harry and Draco laughed. Ron turned on his heel, facing the mirror. "What have you done to my hair! I don't want to be marked with Slytherin colours Draco!" Ron squeaked. "Don't worry your little green head, it will wear off in an hour or so." Draco giggled.


Ron and Rose soon went home leaving Draco and Harry in the living room. "So?"
"I'm sorry Dragon. I shouldn't of shut you out. I promise it won't happen again." Harry apologised, patting Draco's knee. "It's okay Star, you were hurt. Come here." Harry rested his head on Draco's chest. "I really do love you Dragon."
"I love you too star, I love you more than stars in the night sky, more than magical creatures exist and definitely more than muggles alive. I truly love you." Harry laughed a little. "Why are you always so dramatic?" He said smiling before kissing Draco's lips.

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