Ch19.Trading With Death

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The three waited outside the hospital. "What's going to happen now." Teddy questioned. Draco looked at Hermione, who gave him a pitiful look. "Your going home sweetie." Hermione squeezed Teddy's shoulders. "And what's going to happen to you and Draco?"
"We're going with you of course." Draco butted in. Hermione frowned. "Why don't you go wait over in the park, Draco and I need to have a little chat." The female Gryffindor spoke softly. Teddy walked hastily over to the park and sat up in the wooden climbing frame. He watched as the two adults argued, swearing and shouting every now and then. He couldn't make out what they were saying exactly but he knew they were talking about the situation they were in.


"They should be back by now Ron." Harry paced around the room. Ron fed Rose in the kitchen. "You need to calm down. They've got fourteen hours left. They'll be here soon." Harry stepped into the kitchen. "You right, I need to calm down. I need something to distract me." Ron held out Rose's bottle. Harry smiled and was handed the small baby and bottle. "I haven't held a baby for 14 years. Teddy was so cute as a baby. His hair changing all the time. His laugh, I love his laugh. He would change his nose into a pig nose and his ears into rabbit ears, when he looked in the mirror at himself I thought I might have to take him to St.Mungo's because he laughed so much. They would have thought he drank a whole bottle of giggle water." Rose soon fell asleep in Harry's arms. "I hope she grows up with a mother."
"So do I mate, so do I."


"Who's that? In the cloak." Teddy shouted to the two adults. He quickly ran over to them. The figure floated over. "So, Draco Malfoy, you want to take someone back to the mortal world with you? Or Draco Malfoy, do you want to send one home and take their place?" It was death himself. He was like a dementor, cold and depressing. Draco stepped forward. "My father will take Hermione Weasley's place and I will take Teddy Lupin's place." Draco had never been so scared in his whole entire life. Death grinned. "As you wish Draco Malfoy."
"Draco no!" Teddy screamed, he didn't know anything about Draco having to stay behind, that must be what him and Hermione were arguing about. "Teddy get back!" Hermione grabbed Teddy into a hug and Death apperated them away in a black puff of smoke. "I don't wish to see my father so don't tell him where I am." Draco demanded walking away like a true, emotionless DeathEater.


Teddy opened his eyes. He gasped for air and swiftly sat up. "Harry?" He called. Harry paused then placed Rose in her basket as quick as possible. "Teddy is that you!?" He ran into the hallway. Teddy looked up to see his godfather. "Harry! Oh Merlin! Harry I missed you!" Teddy scrambled to his feet and crashed into Harry. "Teddy I love you so, so, so much! I won't lose you again!" Harry cried placing small kisses all over teddy's forehead. "Hermione!?" Ron roared. "Ron!" Hermione screamed. The two collided, falling on the floor. "Ron, I love you so much!"
"I love you too 'Mione. A-and our daughter Rose."The two kissed and then helped one another up off the ground. Hermione rushed into the kitchen scooping Rose in her arms. "She's beautiful." Ron stood close behind. "Where's Draco?" Harry said looking around. "Why isn't he here? Somethings wrong!" He dropped to the ground. "Harry. I don't know what happened. We were waiting to go home. Death made a trade with Draco saying that he could only take one of us back with him. He said that his father would take Hermione's place and he would take my place. I'm so sorry Harry." Teddy rushed, holding Harry in his arms. "He promised! He promised me he would come back!" Harry cried.


"I thought I would never see this place again." Draco said to himself as he walked towards the entrance of Malfoy Manor.

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