Ch4.Somethings Wrong

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Harry was on the way to bed when his owl swooped past his head, almost causing him to fall down the stairs. "Bloody hell bird, wouldn't like it if I 'swooped' past you while you where walking up the stairs." Harry then questioned himself why he had said such a stupid thing. He saw the letter in it's beak and didn't hesitate to snatch it off it. A reply from Teddy.


All is well here and sorry to hear that your nightmares have come back. I know nothing of 'the poison' and hopefully nothing bad is going to happen. Also, i just wanted to know a bit about my father's abilities. I know my mother's abilities very well, its just i've been feeling a little strange lately, urges you know? I asked a professor if they knew my father and they said that he was a creature of the night, whatever that means.
Owl you again soon.

Teddy xx

Teddy had never spoke about Remus before. Harry had heard him talking about Tonks to Hermione once but that was when he discovered he could change his appearance. Harry knew Teddy would ask about him one day, but not today, he wasn't ready to tell Teddy what Remus was. Harry decided to write to Teddy in the morning, he needed time to think.


Teddy had been having the worst week ever. His hair colour was constantly changing, from red to blue to pink to raven black,when he thought of Harry. He went to the library every chance he had, trying to find out what was wrong with him. He eventually gave up researching and went to ask Madame Pomfrey instead.


"Madame Pomfrey?" Teddy said as he knocked on the door. "Yes, come in." She spoke sweetly. Teddy hesitated before stepping in the warm room. "Ah mr Lupin, what brings you here?" She was busy making healing potions."I was wondering if you could see if there's anything wrong with me, anything abnormal maybe?" Teddy asked hoping it was nothing too serious.
She tutted and placed a vial on the table infront of her. "Well what do you think is wrong with you?" She raised an eyebrow at him, "Well I wasn't sure if it was something to do with my father, cause I got some of my abilities from my mother." Teddy lowered his head. Pomfrey loosened her frown into a simpifetic smile."Sorry dear but that information is for Mr Potter to tell you." She quickly settled her hand on his shoulder then turned around to return to the potions."Was he a bad person?" Teddy responded then decided not to bother and walked out.


On the way to the great hall, Teddy walked fast along the cold almost empty corridors. Everyone was eating their last meal before bed and Teddy of course was late, he wasn't known for being on time. On the way, he accidentally bumped into a tall dark figure heading the opposite direction. "So sorry." Teddy spoke in shock. He looked up to see a pale-white face with piercing grey eye and long white hair. "Watch where your going child,don't these professors teach you anything? I demand your name." His harsh words lingered in Teddy's head. "Teddy sir, Teddy Lupin." He was frightened and his hair turned a gingery orange. "Lupin? After that werewolf that was on Potter's side?" The man snarled. A darkness surrounded Teddy, closing in on him. His heart skipped a beat or two before stumbling aside towards the stone wall. "Werewolf. My father a werewolf." Teddy's breathing got heavier and heavier. The old wrinkled man stood wickedly smirking at him.

"You didn't know."

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