Chapter 38. Pain, Stress, Jealousy.

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We were in the town centre again all croweded by the fountain as the advisor spoke the same 'Safety speech' again, I couldn't help but let my gaze travel to Joey and Holly, Hand in hand they stood talking to her pack of whores.

What does he see in her?

"In who?" Niall whisperd back to me.

"Nothing." I quickly established realizing I said it outloud.

I looked back to them and sighed. I can't believe Joey heard all of that.. maybe i'm just mad or overrprotective to him because he was my first proper friend here? Kinda like how I am with Taylor and Harry..

Or.. am I jealous?

But I have Niall? 

Oh dear me...

"So, where do you want to go?" Niall asked me as everyone started to clear away.

I looked at him and shrugged sitting on the fountain.

I looked behind him and noticed Blake and his friends staring over at me. Niall shot me a weird look and followed my gaze.

"Maybe we should go somewhere other then here?" He said looking back to me. I bit my lip and nodded no.

"Why not?" He asked as he sat on the fountain next to me.

"Just cause.." I replied looking at my feet.

"Why does he scare you so much?" Niall asked me nudging my shoulder.

I took in a large breath.

Maybe I should tell him the truth?

God knows what he'd say.. he'd probably even think I wasnt as tough as he thought.. I mean..

"Casey.. please?" He pleaded as I joined our gaze.

I released the breath and started to speak. "Uhm.. he goes to my school.. when I pushed him into the fountain, that was the first time I ever stood up to him.. its not that he bullies me its the fact he just wants me.. its the way he wants me." I nerveously explained to him, I know its not exactly the truth but.. he doesnt need to know that 

He was about to speak again when I interupted him.

"People were always at Taylor so you know, I stood up for her. Then Blake started going after me instead which just gave me the impression that all guys were no good, and when I bit back at a girl yelling at me she ended up in the hospital with a head trauma.." I continued to him looking up to see his sad yet suprized expression.

"You told me that-."

"I lied..." I let out.

"Well, he's still a prick and I dont see why you just wont tell on him."

"Just fucking cause okay?" I yelled back

"Thats not really an answer Casey." He yelled back, grabbing us a few on passing looks.

"Because my dad and his mum just got divorced." I screamed back walking off leaving him speachless.


I was just walking down an unfamilliar road crying my eyes out. Ugh.. I knew relationships like this would never last, Why would I just let him in my life like that?

I'm so stupid.

I looked around to see where I was and I had absolutly no Idea.. I looked around to ask someone which way back but there was no one around.

I sat on the curb in defeat and looked around. Someone will pass eventually..


Well I guess while i'm alone I can think about everything, Like what i'm going todo about me and Nialls fight.. and how to say sorry to Joey, How to get rid of Blake without his mum coming back to brake Taylors legs..

Just everything.

Why did I have to get sent here?

Why did I have to get this life?

Why is it always me with the problems?

God dammit do you even exist?! Do you not have a shiney light or some shit to show me where to go?!  pittyless asshole..

Ugh, if Niall hadnt asked that stupid question ide still be with him right now. If I hadnt banted about Holly, Joey and I would still be friends. If dad hadnt fallen for a bitch Blake wouldnt be here at all..

I put my head in my knee's and started crying. I fucking hate my life.

"Uhm.. are you okay?" A soft voice said above me, recognisable as Hollys.

"Fuck off Holly." I sobbed my head still between my knee's

"Look, I said sorry. Why do you still hate me? Its not like ive ruined your life?!" She yelled walking off.

I looked up and watched her leave, Sticking up my middle finger to her as she continued walking away. Why was she even down here? I looked the way she came towards me and searched the buildings titles.

Nothing seems to be of any interest to me, or her? I got up and walked down towards there. When I turned the corner I almost screamed in fright.

Blake and his friends were right infront of me. I could feel the tears brimming as they all mockingly cheered and coo'd.

"Casey." Blake said in a deep tone as he got closer to me. I wanted to run but my feet were glued to the pavement.

He put his arms around my waist, I tried to pull him off but he just tightend his grip.

"Get off me." I scoffed at him.

His friends whisperd behind him and now..

Well now i'm just mad, Ugh.

"Casey w-."

"Look you seriously need to fuck off, I dont see what you're trying to acomplish by stalking me and groping me. Maybe a life sentance to fucking prison for everything you've done you-."

"So you'd nark on me?" He smiled leaning his face into mine.

"Nark? who even uses that anymore." I said pushing his face back with my hand then slipping out of his grip continuing down the street.

He signaled his friends to follow him, who was currently following me. He grabbed my arm and I spun around and slapped his face.

"I said stay the fuck away." I screamed looking at him.

"Fucking hell, you still slap like a brick wall." He said holding his hand up to his face and the other one grabing my hair.

I winsed in pain and tried to pry him off.

"Stupid slut, my mums to good for your wreck of a father." He scoffed dragging me by my hair.

I kicked his ribbs and started screaming. "Your 'mum' wrecklessly beats my sister whenever shes mad at me, your mum almost killed my dad with a kitchen knife. My dad left her for reasons too-." I coverd my mouth saying the last sentance and walked passed him and his creepy friends.

This time they didnt follow but I could feel them watching.

I found the town centre again and looked to see Holly and the cheerhoes. I walked up to them and asked Holly where Joey was.

She shrugged and turned back to her 'friends'

I looked around again searching the crowed of people. I couldnt see anyone I knew. I walked threw the crowded area and screamed when I felt an arm grab me, I flew back and seen Harry.

"I didnt mean to scare you!" He yelled at me full of sorrow letting go.

I stood there and looked at him the tears welling up again.

"Are you okay?" He pouted furrowing his eyebrows.

I started crying and ran into his arms sobbing into his t-shirt.

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