Chapter 23. Look Its The Whore.

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As me and Niall walked up to the Lunch hall laughing and talking I got a few looks, It sorta bugged me but I fugured they were looking just cause I was actually being social.

"So, thats why I asked my mum to be my girlfriend." Niall finished his awe worthy story.

"Thats so cute, Oh my god awh." I pinched his cheeks.

We walked in and I grabbed a tray, "I'm starving."

"I'm always hungry." Niall said pilling pasta onto his plate.

"Uhm Niall.. pasta? for breakfast?" I said raising an eye brow.

"Yeah, I love pasta." He said smiling at me.

I chuckled and got some toast and butterd them. I turned around and seen there was an empty table,

Niall tagged along and we both sat down. It was in the middle of the Hall which I kind of hated but, Atleast it was empty.

As we walked down me and Niall got looks and I was even called names.

"Cough slut cough."

"Look its the freak."

People whisperd and coughed, and ...spat? okay. Just crossed the line.

I turned to the boy that spat at me and poured my coffee on him.

"Fuck tard." I cussed before sitting down.

"Badass." Niall winked jokingly at me.

We sat eating and talking for awhile when Harry spotted us and sat down.

"Hey Niall, How you feeling Casey?" He spoke.

"Uhm, fine. Harry I want to say-."

"Is it cause of lastnight?" He winked.

I felt more clueless then ever.. does he mean?

"W-what?" I asked, Me and Niall looked at eachother.

He took out his phone and showed me a picture of me and Niall sleeping in his bed. Oh thank god, Its not what I thought.

"Oh, I had a bad dream, So I asked Niall could I sleep with him. Sleep, sleep not sex." I added that last part.

"Wait, howd you get that?" Niall asked in sudden realization.

"Yeah." I added wondering myself

"It was chainmailed to everyone lastnight, Only the number was private."

**"Hey Joey, you're single right?"

**"Yeah why?"

The thought of me and Joey kissing two days ago ran threw my head, Then the images of me and Niall last night.

So thats why everyones calling me a whore..

"Oh god," I said putting my head on the table.

"Well its not that big of a deal is it?" Niall said to Harry looking at me confused.

"Remember when.. uh.. Well everyone thinks Caseys sleeping around with people on the camp, Cause she kissed Joey last day and-."

"Oh." Niall interupted.

Joey's gunna hate me, I hope he didnt get the message. I know he likes me.. I just dont want a boyfriend.

"Why dont you tell the councillor?" Niall said to us

"No!" I gushed looking back up.

"Even if it wasnt true that me and Niall fucked, Ide be expelled for sure if he found out!, My mum would kill me." I quickly added.

I just realized I admited I slept with Niall outloud.

I coverd my mouth seeing everyone close to our table look at me.

They heard.

Just as I wanted to make friends and change this happens.

I put my head back on the table and Niall put his hand on my back and looked at the gobsmacked Harry.

Fuck. This. Shit.

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